40. The First

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Opening the door to the bathroom, I was met with a very angry looking Clive as he looked me up and down, making the knots already forming in my stomach tighten even more.

"Did you actually throw up, or were you just trying to hide in there?" Owen asked, annoyed.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him, walking off back toward the table.

Every step I took was torture, my legs heavy and wobbly at the same time, my arms stinging where Jason had touched me as if he'd created burns that others could see. My mouth was dry as cotton, and each beat of my heart felt like a heavy pressure in my chest. I was going to hyperventilate and black the fuck out if I didn't get my shit together right this second.

I turned the corner to where our table was and just one glance from Darren had me ready to vomit all over again, the knots squeezing my stomach tighter and tighter until it was a full-blown cramp. He was already taking note of my state as I walked toward him, fighting to keep myself from shaking, knowing what I'd just done.

Fuck, there would be no mercy from him if he found out.

I instantly started to fear for Jason. What if he were caught? What if the guards that usually followed Darren everywhere found him sneaking around? And with the way I was acting, there was no way I could keep this act going. I couldn't leave his escape to chance. I wanted Darren distracted and back on the yacht so we could get the fuck out of here and away from Jason. Now.

So instead of going back to the table to sit down, I stared him down to make sure I had his attention and walked right past the table toward the street. Darren looked confused.

"We're leaving," I declared. "Now." And I kept walking, knowing full well that would get his ass moving.

I could see our car parked just down the street, but I didn't get another step as my arm was yanked, and I was swiftly pulled back.

"Hey! Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Darren said angrily from behind me.

I tried to shake him off as I turned to face him, but he wasn't letting go, which was doing wonders for all the scrapes on my arm.

"I said we're leaving," I snarled, squaring off with him. "This honeymoon is officially fucking ruined, and I don't want to be here anymore." At least the car was cognizant of my requests as it started to pull toward us.

Darren yanked me against him. "Watch your mouth. You think the rules have changed or something?" he questioned as he glared down at me. "We leave when I say we leave. Not the other way around."

I tried to jerk away from him, but he continued to reinforce his grip until pain shot through my arm, causing me to abruptly stop. "You don't want to push me on this, Darren. I'm already high strung as it is. I doubt you want to cause a scene with me in public."

His brows rose in surprise. "You think I give a shit if others witness the consequences of your actions? If you want a scene, sweetheart, I'll give you a fucking scene."

Darren made one single move before the air behind me erupted with hot fire and a cataclysmic boom that stunned my ears. I felt a tight grip on the back of my neck as I was instantly shoved to the ground under Darren's body while more bodies toppled ours.

My ears rang like crazy, I couldn't hear shit, and from my position, I couldn't see shit either. It was several seconds before I was finally dragged up to standing and swiftly pulled back inside the café. Because that was when the bullets started to rain.

One glimpse was all I was able to spare as my eyes landed on the car that was completely engulfed in flames. Someone had blown up our car.

Darren shoved me to the floor in a tight corner of the café. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but based on the movement of his lips, it was probably something along the lines of stay put. I could feel myself begin to freeze up from shock at what was happening even though my brain could hardly comprehend it.

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