9. Wedding Presents

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Two weeks went by faster than I anticipated, but everything that needed to be handled for the wedding had been handled. Darren approved most of the plans Regina had put together the day after our meeting, some of the changes being the venue and my dress. Apparently, he had a country estate in northern California somewhere in the backwoods where he wanted the wedding at. It was private, secure, and large enough to accommodate everyone. And there was no chapel either.

My dress was being delivered to the estate, so I actually had no idea what it looked like. Darren had apparently interfered in my wedding dress, which I thought was completely inappropriate given the traditional customs, but it was Darren so I couldn't expect anything less. He also refused to share that info with me, which straight pissed me off. What the fuck kind of groom decided his bride's wedding dress and kept it from her until the day of the wedding?

Your psychotic control freak of a fiancé.

Just thinking that word left a sour taste in my mouth.

I was in our room packing my things since we were leaving for the estate in a few hours. I had no idea where it was located, just that it was in northern California.

Like usual, I didn't have to pack much. Most of it was for Camaro anyway. I asked if she could be in the wedding, but Darren said no. I knew that was a long shot, but she would look so cute with some flowers around her collar. Maybe I'd decorate it anyway. She was the closest thing I had to a maid of honor as it was.

The flight there lasted about two hours. Clive and Owen sat directly across from me and Darren, practically fucking statues, while Scott hung out in the cockpit. Darren didn't talk much, focusing mostly on his work, but was still able to admonish Camaro every time she tried to climb into my lap. She wasn't a fan of flying so she wasn't so happy about it. I think she was trying to protect me from the turbulence, and the idea had me laughing inside.

When we landed, we were greeted by four black SUVs. Ten men in black suits stood by the cars with dark sunglasses covering their eyes. I quickly tried to glance around me before eventually disappearing into the back seat of the SUV. There were lots of trees, small mountains, and wide open blue sky. The air was still warm with a light breeze that tickled my skin. It smelled fresh out here, less salt in the air.

With Camaro resting comfortably in the trunk of the SUV, we took off, the road taking us deep into the trees, the path smooth as it wound left and right. With my headphones in, it was nice to just listen to my music and relax throughout the car ride. It lasted about thirty minutes before we pulled up to a set of black gates, much like the ones of Darren's home.

Rounding the driveway, we stopped in front of gigantic white colonial-style mansion. Easily twice the size of Darren's home and just as gorgeous, I found myself in awe of the architecture. It had to have been constructed in the 1800s. It was that remarkable.

Stepping out of the car, I rounded the vehicle, Camaro eagerly joining my side after she was released from the trunk, and I stared up at the house.

"Like it?" Darren asked, an intrigued smile forming on his lips.

"It's gorgeous," I said with a nod.

"It was my mother's favorite place to stay."

"I can imagine why." The air literally smelled like fresh air and flowers out here. It made my entire body flutter with a sense of peace. Something I was not used to.

"Come on, I'll show you our room," Darren said as the guards immediately began unloading the cars.

I followed Darren through the house, eager to explore and learn the layout. I felt like fucking royalty as we walked through the halls; the place was immaculate. Wide open spaces, oak wood floors, marble carvings in the walls, massive paintings over enormous fireplaces, expensive rugs and furniture; it was like I was in a different century. And I liked it. Camaro's claws clinked against the wood floors, and I suddenly feared she would tear up the wood, but Darren didn't seem concerned.

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