17. Preparation

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"I want snipers set up here, here, and here, and the perimeter of silent sensors needs to be expanded," I ordered, pointing at the areas of the map of the estate that Scott had spread out over the table.

Scott, Matt, Dom, and Dan stood around the table while what was left of Jason remained decomposing in the chair he was still tied to. The stupid little prick didn't know as much as I had hoped, but he provided enough information to at least give us a better advantage.

Luckily, the only thing Carter wanted him to do was to take the photos and upload them to a fucking Dropbox account and supply any extra information he could provide.

Dropbox. Unbelievable.

After getting the account, Scott uploaded some of the photos, minus the ones of Jaden, and added some very misleading information to hopefully convince them to enter right where we wanted them. Assuming they took the bait, we now knew exactly where they would attempt to strike first and could easily contain it. The only problem was figuring out when.

"They're probably gonna strike midway through the ceremony," Dom said, pointing at the clearing where the chairs were set up. "Everyone will all be in one place and focused on the ceremony.'

I shook my head. "No, they'll wait until everyone is too drunk, full, and distracted by the loud music to even know what's going on. I'm betting at least an hour after dinner they strike, which means we need to intercept them first."

"I agree," Dan added. "They'll want us at our most vulnerable, and there won't be a better time."

Scott nodded. "I'll make sure the drones are ready to go. We'll put two near the estate, and the other four can circle the entire property until we catch them."

"Did you install the upgraded sites I gave you?" Matt asked Scott. The drones were relatively new but a damn good investment in security. A few weeks ago, Matt had contacted another distributor who developed their own thermographic camera that sensed infrared radiation. It was invaluable tech now compared to before.

"Yep," Scott replied. "Not even a damn fly gets undetected by those things.'

Matt laughed. "You're welcome."

"I want them alive if we can afford it," I added. "I want Mooch and Carter to watch their men die one by one until it's just them. I want those fucks sitting in their own piss by the time we get to them."

"Excellent," Dom said with a smile, cracking his knuckles. Kid was more bloodthirsty than I was sometimes.

"In the meantime, I want ten invisibles on Jaden at all times. I don't want her to know shit. I'm not having her on edge on our wedding day. She deserves at least one drama-free night, even if it's an illusion."

"You got it," Scott affirmed.

"Have the fireworks display on standby as well. I want them to go off right before we strike, regardless of the time of day. The explosions will cover the gunfire and keep everyone distracted."

Scott nodded.

"And Matt, do your best you keep your cousin under control. I know how antagonistic she gets when she drinks. Let's not have a repeat of what happened at Dan's baby shower."

"Aw, come on. Now you're really taking the fun out of things," Dan whined. "I'd pay a million dollars just to see Jaden kick Regina's ass."

"Trust me, Dan, she'd do it for free," I said with a chuckle, earning a round from everyone.

"Watch it, assholes. You know I made that promise to my uncle on his death bed," Matt shot back. "Don't make me kill you fucks."

"Yeah, well, your uncle should have realized how insufferable his daughter is and reconsidered for your sake," Dan replied.

"Ya know, she probably just needs the right man to straighten her ass out. Maybe I could take her off your hands for a little while, Matt," Dom offered, a sly smile spreading across his face.

Matt groaned. "Don't even think about it," he warned as he pointed at Dom before turning back to me. "She'll be on her best behavior. You have my word."

"Good," I said. "Because we're going to be a little busy, and I won't be able to contain Jaden if Regina makes her snap."

"Ha, and here I thought your little princess had better self-control than that."

I glared at Matt. "Careful, friend. Jaden knows her limits, but she won't hesitate to defend herself if Regina makes the same mistake twice."

"I gave you my word. Everything will be fine." Matt's eyes darkened, that glower in his eyes directed at me, reminding me of all the shit Matt was capable of, which was why I valued him as a friend and ally. I would not go to war with him over his bitch cousin, but if it came down to it, I'd still bury the fucker if I had to.

"Good," I said, dismissing the conversation.

"All right! If that's all settled, let's head upstairs for the fights! I'm thirsty for some booze, entertainment, and pussy," Dom interrupted, clearly trying to distract from the growing tension in the room.

"Do you ever stop thinking with your dick?" Dan asked, slapping Dom's shoulder.

As Dan, Dom, and Matt headed toward the stairs, Scott pulled me back by the shoulder with a look of concern on his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Cutler thinks they have a new lead on the disappearance of Bravos and his men. They're going to investigate tomorrow night."

About fucking time.

We never did hear back from Bravos or anyone else on his team, so Scott sent another team to find out what the fuck happened to them and then pick up where they left off.

It didn't necessarily mean that Jaden's old boyfriend was responsible for their disappearance. They could have run into trouble at the hands of someone else or some other accident, or hell, they could have simply abandoned their assignment at the risk of getting their guts ripped out of them by me. Either way, they needed to be found, and soon.

"Let me know as soon as you hear back from them."

Scott nodded and started making some calls as we headed up the stairs to join Matt and my brothers in my private office where we could look down at the festivities currently in play. If this was going to be my last night as a single man, I should celebrate my victorious conquest.


Sorry that I am making short chapters for now

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