44. Answers

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I felt my heart still in my chest.

The door was wide open. A gaping hole out of this sullen room had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and I found myself rooted to the floor, my feet unsure of their next move.

It was open. It was never open. Not like this.

What do I do?

Is this a test?

Do I leave? Am I allowed to now?

Why else would the door be open?

I could feel my body shiver under my sheath dress as my mind deliberated back and forth over the next course of action. Surely, the door would not be left open if I wasn't allowed to leave, right?

Fear raced through my veins at the idea of possibly breaking the rules. What if it was a trick?

But another sinful idea crept into my mind. Maybe it was a reward. Maybe it was finally the break I deserved. Heat blossomed across my face at the thought of feeling the sunlight on my skin again and enjoying natural warmth instead of the deadly chill of this room that I hated so much.

Maybe I could leave for just a moment. Maybe that was okay. The door was open. Why else would it be open? It had to mean something.

My knees wobbled with each step, my bare feet barely sliding along the carpet to propel me forward. My shoulders tightened, preparing for disappointment when I finally reached the doorway and poked my head through.

My watery eyes scanned the entire basement, noticing the lights were off but finding no one, not even a guard, and it only made my heart beat faster. But the bright natural light cascading down the stairs was a beacon I couldn't ignore. Light.

With aching muscles sore from the night before, I slowly made my way toward the stairs, my feet as silent as my breath. I didn't even dare exhale.

When my fingers finally clutched the stair railing, I shivered again and looked up, the light so bright it was blinding. But I was so close. So close to getting away from that wretched basement. I never wanted to set foot down here again.

But when the sun finally touched my skin, time suddenly stopped. A warmth I hadn't felt in so long cloaked my entire body with a sense of relief so unfamiliar I almost rejected it. My bones absorbed the sunlight like it was starved for it, my mind finally capturing a moment of peace and unsanctioned bliss.

It was only when I moved to the first step did I hear his voice.

"Where are you going, Jaden?"

Whatever breath I was holding before, I instantly choked on it as all the hope I had just felt instantly drained from my heart. Terror caved its way into my chest, tearing a hole through me and making my tremors so much worse. I didn't even have the courage to turn around and face him.

"The door ... it was open. I ... I thought ..."

"You thought what? That you could leave? Did I give you permission to leave that room?"


With each step he took toward me, my shoulders hunched even more, my body's now piss-poor response at defending itself. My fingers gripped the railing so hard my knuckles turned white while my nails left little indents. Knots spiked in my stomach like thorns growing from a bush, curling and twisting until the thorns finally reached my fragmented heart. The absolute terror I felt for what Darren would do to me for defying him like this had me wanting to cripple at his feet, to turn into a tiny ball and hide from him forever. So I gripped the railing even tighter to keep my knees from buckling.

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