27. Legion

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Darren told me this morning it was time to move on to our next destination, and while I was sad to leave Valencia, I was eager to move on to the next surprise in store. Before Darren, I was always adventurous but never had much opportunity to go out and travel since I was too busy with life's responsibilities. I would have made it happen eventually. I could have gone into international law and traveled all over the damn globe, making a difference. Maybe I still could. I had a new identity now. I could start over, start from scratch. It would suck, but I would do it if it meant I could do something with my life.

And then I nearly slapped myself in the face.

Where the fuck where these thoughts coming from?

That future didn't exist anymore. My dreams of becoming a big shot lawyer were buried deep with all the other things I had to leave behind in my old life. Why was this suddenly on my mind? It didn't make sense, and I needed to get it out of my head. I was in a different game now, and I needed to focus on that future to ensure my survival.

I shook my head as the car we were in pulled into the pier, driving all the way down to where the docks were before finally parking. Hopping out, I was met with dozens of fancy boats and yachts, and while they were all nice to look at, I was more concerned with the golden sun that was close to setting against the water.

"This way, Jaden," Darren called, holding out his hand.

I took it and allowed him to lead me down to the docks, walking all the way to the end until we finally stopped at what was the most advanced looking speed boat I've ever seen.

Easily a forty-footer, the boat was gun metal gray with black details, long and narrow, pointed almost like a damn spear. Boating was life when you lived on the coast of the Great Lakes, so I was no newbie to this avenue, but I loved it all the same. I'd give up an entire week of training just to be on a jet ski for thirty minutes, but I didn't make demands anymore – just followed them.

"Are we going for a ride?" I asked, hopeful. I thought we were heading to our next destination on a plane, but maybe it was closer than I thought it would be?

"Sort of," Darren answered and led me over to the end of the dock so I could step onto the boat.

He followed, as did Clive and Owen, and moved us toward the seating arrangement that rounded the back of the boat. It was probably the most spacious boat I'd ever been on, all sleek and shiny with comfy seating.

"Wait, where's Camaro? I thought we were going back to the jet," I asked Darren as he sat down beside me.

"She's already there," he answered.

"Already where?"

"You'll see."

I suppressed a groan. I fucking hated this, and Darren fucking knew it.

Ignoring my annoyance with his secrecy, Darren wrapped his arm around my shoulders while nodding to the staff to take off. It didn't take long before the wind was whipping through my hair and my focus turned toward the scenery surrounding us. With the sun setting, Valencia lit up with all its beauty, the lights of the city creating a skyline I could hardly look away from.

After a while, the boat circled the area, passing other ships and sailboats. The speed and sheer size of the boat allowed it to cut through the waves of the Balearic Sea like butter, making it a very smooth and enjoyable ride. But it ended too soon.

Twenty minutes into the ride, the boat began to slow as it approached what was probably the largest yacht I had ever seen. My eyes literally bugged out of my head as we got closer, my mind in complete denial that it was this big and we were heading straight for it.

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