6. Dependence

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"Well, it looks like everything went smoothly," Dan said as we spoke over the phone. "They were very happy with the new whores, especially the blondes, but I don't know how long they'll last down here, so we'll probably have to send them a couple more in a few months."

"That's fine," I replied.

"But they were still pretty adamant about needing more ammunition and AK's than what we provided."

"They don't need anymore," I answered. "They need just enough to protect the crop and that's it. We don't need them wasting it by terrorizing the nearby towns and drawing attention to themselves. They need to stay under the radar like they've been doing."

"They worry about others stealing their land." And wasn't that the truth. The Lobos were a small militant gang currently holding one of the most receptive plots of land for growing the best coca plants in Columbia and it was a damn expensive secret to keep. But they were a hot-headed group with strong ties in culture and a fear of what they didn't understand. It made them anxious, aggressive, and especially dangerous if they felt powerful enough to act on their beliefs. Which was why we'd supply them with enough whores to keep them entertained and plenty of guns to keep them safe, but with limited amounts of ammunition so they couldn't waste it. Their job was to guard their little community and only their little community to protect the only thing still keeping them as wealthy as they perceived themselves to be. They were also on strict orders not to contract with anyone else without our approval either.

"Well if they keep to themselves like they're supposed to then they won't have to worry about it. Tell them we'll provide security upgrades for them next month," I offered.

"Alright, fine, I'll be heading home in a few hours. See you tomorrow at your engagement party," he jested, emphasizing on the word 'engagement' as if it were a taunt. But I wasn't taking the bait.

"Safe flight," I said and hung up.

Setting down my phone, I stretched my back and cracked my stiff neck as I rose from my desk, moving toward the window in front of me to admire the gorgeous view outside.

The corners of my mouth couldn't help but lift as my eyes zeroed in on my target. Jaden was playing fetch with Camaro – and she was genuinely smiling. Carefree, uninhibited, and content. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Buying that dog for her had been the best idea Sid had ever had. Camaro made Jaden smile and laugh, and when she did that, my chest warmed with so much adoration I thought my heart might actually burst from it. It was a foreign sensation, but one I welcomed.

After finishing all of her dinner, Jaden sat back in her chair and looked out toward the fading horizon, her face relaxed, but her eyes concentrated. What I would do to be able to listen in on that beautiful, cunning, and perceptive mind of hers. Even when she wasn't trying, she was observing everything, soaking up every little piece of information around her, every little detail, advancing her self-awareness.

After over a year of training and conditioning, Jaden had finally become almost everything I wanted her to be. She was intelligent, gorgeous, feisty, talented, and just as dangerous as my best soldiers. I was so fucking proud of her; not just for what she was, but who she'd become. She knew her place well and took it with a level of authority only she could muster for one in her position. My little sex soldier ... and soon to be wife.

Jaden kept her head held high for all to see, but the moment her eyes found mine, she knew exactly who she belonged to. I'd kept her fear of me intact to ensure not only her compliance, but also to keep her mindful of who I was – someone to fear.

It hadn't been an easy road to get to, but I was finally seeing the progress I had longed for from the very beginning. Jaden was affectionate, respectful, and a fun little smartass in the right moments – a personality trait I didn't want diminished. When I teased her as often as I did, she eventually found the confidence to tease me back. It was too fucking cute.

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