16. A Little Girls' Night

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After changing into a short black pleated skirt and a dark purple T-shirt, Darren let the fact that I slipped into some simple black Vans slide as we headed for the stairs to the foyer together. Camaro walked by my side while Darren held my hand as he escorted me down the steps to find Clive and Owen waiting for me like usual.

"So what am I allowed to do at my bachelorette party?" I asked. "I assume there will be a lack of male strippers, so where's the entertainment going to come from?"

Darren actually had the decency to crack a smile instead of the backhand I half expected.

"Considering your outlook on life, I doubt you would find much entertainment in sending an oblivious man straight to his death, so I'll spare you. Unfortunately, you'll have to entertain yourselves, but I don't think you'll have much trouble with that."

"So I can get drunk and go skinny dipping in the lake then?"

Darren turned and gave me a look, his telltale sign I was being an obnoxious brat, but there were days when I just couldn't help but tease him when I was feeling brave enough. His stern ass needed it sometimes.

"While I do want you to have some fun tonight, use your best judgment, Jaden. Don't do something you know will disappoint me. That shouldn't be too difficult for you, should it?"

"Well, shit, there goes all the fun," I whined, throwing my arms up in exaggeration.

Darren tapped two fingers against my cheek and scowled at me. "Mouth," he warned.

Scrunching my face up, I tried to stay playful. "You know, I think you're already impeding on my party. Don't you have somewhere to be? Like your own bachelor party, or are you too busy for that?"

Darren chuckled and casually placed his hands in his pockets.

"Actually, you're right. I do have my own party to attend, but I wanted to make sure you were all set before I took off. Regina may have set something up for you, but I have a strong feeling you'll be deviating from that plan."

"And screw up all of Regina's hard work? Absolutely." Whatever she had planned, I had zero intention of following that shit. No thanks.

Darren grinned. "There's my little hellcat. Order whatever you want for dinner, stay light on the booze, and be in bed by midnight. Think you can manage that?"

"Yes, fairy godmother. I wouldn't want to turn into a pumpkin on the eve of my wedding."

"Good girl," Darren praised and leaned down to kiss me.

His hands wrapped themselves around my jawline, his thumbs caressing the underside of my cheeks and stealing the breath from my lungs. I hated it, but these little moments of affection were treasures to me. As if I could collect them like precious gems and hide them away in a jar so I could show myself all the times I'd been good and made Darren happy. The more gems I collected, the safer I felt inside.

When Darren released my lips, he leaned his forehead against mine, resting it there for a moment and taking a deep breath. Realizing I probably wouldn't see him until tomorrow afternoon, I curled my hands around his wrists and gave him a gentle squeeze. It wasn't a second later he kissed my forehead and released me.

"Have fun tonight, princess, but try to behave yourself," he said and then walked out the front door where I could see several headlights waiting for him. I could only imagine the trouble he would be getting into tonight.

Turning to my left, I headed down the hallway toward the sitting room where I heard feminine voices while Clive and Owen trailed behind me. Turning the corner, I found my lips forming into a tight grimace when I my eyes were instantly assaulted by a vision of hot pink and silver glitter.

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