52. Showdown

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"She's a little firecracker, that one. Fuck, she'd be absolutely amazing in the rin—" My fist slammed into the side of Holden's jaw before he was even finished speaking, knocking him back a few steps as he clutched the side of his face with confusion.

"That's for deliberately baiting my wife and insulting her in the process. Don't ever do it again, or it'll be the last breath you take." I waited for the recognition in his eyes to manifest, and when he finally nodded, I felt satisfied enough to continue. "Now sit the fuck down so we can actually discuss this."

Holden cautiously moved back to his seat behind his desk while I sat back in the chair, Matt releasing a slow breath of uncertainty next to me. "Jaden makes a valid argument. The cost of maintaining a decent fighter is pricey, but the cost of maintaining several strong women like Jaden could be your life. You're probably better off finding women who are actually willing to fight. Do what you want with them after their fighting careers are over."

"And just where do you expect me to find them?" Holden asked unamused.

Was he really this dense?

"There are tens of thousands of young homeless women all over the country. Organize some recruiters who specialize in persuasion. If they can be recruited into prostitution, they can be recruited into this. They'll learn self-defense skills, they'll be housed comfortably and fed, and they'll become famous in the underground. It won't be hard to persuade young impressionable girls who are on the brink of desperation."

"And what happens when they get here, lose their first fight, and decide it's not for them anymore?"

Jesus, he really hadn't thought of any alternatives or backup plans.

"You have them sign a contract. Remind them that they have to finish the three-year contract like they agreed. If they refuse, you can sell them to me, and they won't be your problem anymore."

At least now I'd get something out of it.

"And if they do finish the contract?"

I shrugged. "Sell them to me anyway. I'll always have a buyer somewhere."

Holden regarded me closely "So you're willing to buy every single fighter I retire?"

I shook my head. "The deal isn"t that I buy every single fighter. The deal is I have the exclusive right of first refusal, regardless of retirement."

"That isn't a very secure guarantee."

"But my connections are," I answered. "Like I said, I always know a buyer somewhere. If I don't want them, I will find someone who does."

"And if you can't?" he asked, a brow raising in apprehension.

I shrugged. "Then like you said before, some will perish for entertainment value. But only after I've taken my right of first refusal."

I relaxed in my chair as I waited for Holden to decide. I didn't want to force myself into having to buy every single girl who left this shit hole since some of them would probably end up being so fucked up it wouldn't be worth my time and effort to turn them over for a profit. Instead, I'd collect favors from my buyers for connecting them if they made the sale, or I'd buy them myself and make some money. Could even place some decent bets if I knew they were already going to lose. Not to mention, I could cut down on my own expenses if it meant I'd have a new avenue for supply. It was a win-win either way.

"So do we have a deal?" I asked as I narrowed my gaze at him.

Holden rubbed his bruising jaw for a moment as he considered my words. After a few moments, he finally stood and held out his hand. "Deal."

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