Chapter 22

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It was another busy day at the Med-Jacks hut, full of medical supplies to clean after being used for the morning. Awkward silence filled the air as she and Brenda continued their assigned tasks, both remembering their last conversation.

Aris could even feel the tension between the girls, knowing it was about a certain runner and watched them refuse to make eye contact. He felt bad for Brenda, knowing he used to have a small crush on Teresa until it became obvious that she was in love with Thomas.

He learnt to move on and hoped she would too. Maybe if he gave them some alone time, they could work their differences out.

"Well I'm done. I just remembered I promised to help Frypan in the kitchen today. I'll leave you two to it." Aris spoke, quietly as he glanced at them and saw them nod in agreement. He quickly threw his used cloth and gloves in the waste as he shut the door behind him. Silent tension filled the air again as they continued to work, both lost in their own thoughts.

Brenda glanced at Teresa, noticing she was focused on her cleaning the bandages but had a joyful look in her blue eyes. Like she was thinking back on something fond and treasured. Brenda quickly spotted the mess of fresh kiss marks around her collarbone, some trailing downwards as the breeze blew Teresa's shirt collar.

She gritted her teeth at the hidden sight as jealousy spread through her body, knowing Thomas didn't want her. He made that clear on the cliff side and at the crank club, wanting only Teresa.

"Did you just come here to gloat in my face?" Brenda spoke, irritated as she dropped her cloth on the tray and looked at Teresa.
"What?" Teresa responded, confused as she turned to look at Brenda. She was happy with ignoring her for the rest of morning, thinking about a certain brown eyed boy. Hopefully he stayed safe on his run with Minho.

"You think if you keep helping out, everyone will instantly forgive you then your wrong." Brenda answered as she narrowed her eyes with mistrust.

"At least I'm trying." Teresa spoke, frustrated as she was getting fed up with Brenda. She honestly wanted to help the people of paradise just like she wanted to save those innocent lives with a cure.
"Your betrayal hurt a lot of people. I don't know why Thomas forgave you." Brenda spoke, quietly as she noticed Teresa stiffen at her words.

"So this is about Tom. Isn't it?" Teresa whispered as she slowly placed her used cloth on the tray. Now it made sense why Brenda was mad at her, she wanted Thomas for herself.

"You can never understand him like I do. You tried impressing him and grew closer when I was absent but Tom is different. He only liked you as his friend. You never had the chance, Brenda." Teresa spoke, angrily as she stared at her. She saw Brenda's face twist into shock then anger as she clenched her hands.

"Is that why me and him kissed?" Brenda responded, a smirk on her face as she victoriously watched Teresa's blue eyes darkened.

"You and him kissed?" Teresa muttered, quietly as she gritted her teeth at the thought. She felt a ache spread in her chest, her breathing shaky until she quickly spotted the twitch in Brenda's clenched hands. Brenda was hiding something from her.
"Was it really you he wanted to kiss?" She asked, meekly as she wanted to confirm her thoughts.

When Brenda didn't reply, she knew the truth and pleasant tingles spread through her body. The thought of Thomas wanting to kiss her while Brenda kissed him made the ache in her chest disappear, replaced with happiness and love.

Next time she would see him, she was going to march up to him and kiss him until they couldn't breathe anymore.

"I think you should move on, Brenda. You'll find someone one day." Teresa whispered, quietly as she wanted to end this conversation. She didn't want to hurt Brenda, just gave her the harsh truth. She threw her used cloth and gloves in the waste before walking out of the door as she felt Brenda's silent gaze against the back of her head.

She briefly saw Thomas and Minho walking towards the camp, finished with their run in the forest. Teresa quickly ran towards him, determined to reward him.

Their lazy stroll abruptly stopped when Thomas caught her figure approaching and saw her beautiful blue eyes sparkle with delight as they met his. His lips tilted up into a grin at the sight of her, mesmerised by her dark raven hair swaying in the breeze as she ran towards him.

Minho smirked behind him as he saw the soft expression on Thomas's face, staring at Teresa. He quickly left the couple, not wanting to scar his virgin eyes again and headed towards the mess hall.

Teresa slowly stopped in front of Thomas, clutched his shirt with darkened blue eyes and bought their faces closer. She slanted her mouth against his, hungrily as she ran her fingers through his brown hair. He moaned, returning her kiss with equal hunger as he instinctively wrapped his arms around her small waist.

His tongue dived into her mouth, groaning as he drowned in the intoxicating taste of her pink lips. She moaned into his mouth, twirling strands of his hair as he deepened the kiss. The two remained so lost in each other until their lungs desperately demanded for air.

"Hi...." She whispered, breathlessly as she stared at darkened brown eyes. Her chest was heaving, trying to catch her breath as her cheeks flushed red at her actions.
"Hi...." He whispered back, slightly panting as he tried to calm his heavy breathing. He stared at her, dazed and wanted to taste more of her.

"What was that for?" Thomas muttered, his hold on her waist tightening as he kept her close to him.
"Reward...." She muttered back, softly as she stared at his lips.
He didn't reply, just stared at her pink lips with darkened brown eyes. Their faces unknowingly shifted closer and closer until their lips were few inches apart.

A loud cough broke their focus, making their heads snap towards Gally. They quickly let go of each other, breathing heavy and their lips swollen. Gally shook his head at them, annoyed at their display of affection.

Teresa flushed in embarrassment, still not believing she actually did that. She glanced at Thomas and giggled at his annoyed expression as he glared at Gally. She smiled softly at him, happy they had each other.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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