Chapter 1

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He first met his wife a month before their wedding. The second time was on the day of their wedding. Honestly, the first meeting was unnecessary and troublesome.

The foundation of South Korea’s high society is money, power, and marriage. His marriage was considered to be a mere ‘contract’ between the fathers, so it didn’t matter who the bride was going to be.

Pretty or ugly, addicted to shopping or depressed, promiscuous or virtuous; it didn’t matter. The important thing was what the bride and groom would bring to the table.

With the establishment of their marriage, the bride’s family, R&K Investments, and the groom’s family, HyunJin Group, would proceed with their project in Dubai.

The project was titled ‘The Tropical’. Although it sounded ridiculous, they would be making manmade islands in a manmade sea in the middle of the desert. Each island would have its own luxury resort and casino club.

R&K and HyunJin were planning on creating another mirage for the rich families of the Middle East who didn’t seem to know how to spend their overflowing fortunes made from oil. The project would cost a lot of money, but it would bring in a lot of profit as well. This was the true meaning behind the marriage.

The woman in his tablet PC was staring back at him. The photo was like a neat ID photo submitted in a resume by a job applicant. The woman looked incredibly normal. No, actually she was quite pretty.

She had tied her hair back neatly. Her pale face, calm eyes, and formal dress gave off a gentle aura. It was the type of look that was popular with many elders when it came to potential daughters-in-law.


As he swiped up, he saw additional information: date of birth, education, occupation, hobbies, school photos, and current photos.


Secretary Lee began his briefing with his usual fast and precise tone.

“She’s published three books so far. She usually works from home and lectures at HwaYin University once a week as a part-time instructor.”

How boring. Jungkook felt that he didn’t need to read any more and turned off the screen. He heard that she had gone to London to study abroad, but all she ended up doing now was drawing picture books.

Most upper class women chose to study the fine arts. It was something to boast about and looked good whenever they decided to open up their own galleries. Of course, it was also a graceful avenue for money laundering.

“Anything else?”

“No. She hasn’t gotten into any scandals up till now. She is known to be very quiet and polite.”

No scandals at all? That was impressive. President Min of R&K and the children from his previous wives were known to be quite rowdy. He was already on his third wife and known to play around. How was his daughter quiet?

“Are you sure this information is correct?”

“Yes. It’s been double-checked.”

Well, that could be true. It wasn’t like this world didn’t have people who just liked to live quietly.

They quickly arrived at the appointed location. Jungkook got out of the car and buttoned his suit. Even though this was a marriage meeting, he felt as if he was about to meet an important business partner.

The contract was already in its final stages. No matter what kind of person this woman was, or what kind of thoughts she had, this marriage was going to happen.

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