Chapter 5

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Jungkook rubbed his lips with his finger as he looked at the computer monitor.

No matter how he looked at it, something was strange. Who could have done this?

HyunJin Group and R&K Investments had created the consortium 2 years ago and had sealed it with his marriage. Getting the UAE government’s approval for ‘The Tropical’ had taken 1 year.

Even though the progress was slow, they believed it to be the best they could do. The total project amounted to about 1 trillion won.

The project was financed by HyunJin Investments, a branch of HyunJin Group, and R&K Investments. They each invested 250 billion won, making it a total of 500 billion won. The remaining 500 billion would come from investors in the Middle East and Europe. The manmade sea and islands would be constructed by HyunJin Construction Co. and Schutzweizen Engineering Co. of Germany.

However, the problem started when HyunJin and R&K investors transferred the 500 billion won to a special projects corporation established in Dubai.

The 500 billion won had disappeared without a trace. Not only were the funds gone, but the head of the corporation, Hashad al-Maktoum, had evaporated away like a mirage in the desert.

The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed. It all happened right under their noses. No one could believe it, and as the top businesses in Korea, HyunJin and R&K were even more shocked.

The two companies, both united in their confusion, were now placed in the middle of a war. Both sides persistently pushed blame on the other. R&K blamed HyunJin, and HyunJin blamed R&K, both bristling at the other.

The perpetrator had to have inside knowledge of the two companies. Additionally, Jungkook’s father, Jeon JaeHyuk, was leading this project.

As soon as this incident had happened, the gossip began to circulate. Everyone believed that HyunJin had made a mistake. There was no other explanation for this ridiculous situation!

It would take years to get to the bottom of this fiasco and track down the missing money, and the rumors were already spreading far and wide in Dubai.

Last week, Jungkook personally flew over to Dubai and uncovered something absolutely absurd. He found Hashad al-Maktoum. However, Hashad was an old man in a nursing home who was close to taking his last breath.

They had trusted in Hashad, who claimed to be a member of the royal family. He said he had some connections within the Dubai government and had given them the rights to ‘The Tropical’. This Hashad al-Maktoum, whom they had put their faith in, was a fraud.

As this was revealed, the rumors began to circulate throughout Dubai that the Korean project could no longer proceed. It would only be a matter of time before the investors in Dubai and Europe pulled out as well.

Having heard that all his money had disappeared into thin air, President Min of R&K lost his reason and ran wild. Immediately after having received the report, President Min ran over to the headquarters of HyunJin and, in President Jeon’s presence, accused him of being the country’s greatest conman at the top of his lungs. President Jeon, of course, began to rain down curses at President Min.

While R&K losing their money was a problem, HyunJin Construction Co. was also totally shocked by the news that their golden egg, ‘The Tropical’, was in danger of imploding before it actually began. Both HyunJin and R&K had been harmed, and both of their reputations had crumbled to the ground. The money wasn’t the problem.

Who could it be?

Glaring at the monitor, Jungkook began to piece together the information he had gathered in Dubai last week. Everything had been done seamlessly. While being investigated, R&K had backstabbed them when they said that HyunJin had crossed the line with the National Intelligence Service. How could they screw up this partnership like that?

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