Chapter 27

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Everyone began to get up from their seats to exit the plane. A shuttle would take them to a hotel provided by the airline. No one paid any attention to the stewardess’s suffering. Irritated, Jungkook was just about to get up and intervene when…

“Hey, Jung Sena.”

Somebody impolitely called out the woman’s name, shocking everyone in the cabin. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Jungkook was the same. He thought he had misheard, but it was definitely…

“Who said that?”

Jung Sena shot out of her seat and yelled out. Lisa, who had been sitting next to Jungkook, stood up. Jungkook was startled by the fierce look in her eyes.

“Who are you?”

“You don’t need to know who I am. What’s important is that I know who you are, and I also know your grandfather very well.”

Jung Sena flinched. Sena’s grandfather was the founder of the family’s company. President Jung was known to be very strict with his family.

“How do you know my grandfather?”

“His personal phone number is 010-***-****. He’s a fellow member of the board for the EoHwaDang Scholarship Project, so how could I not know him?”

At Lisa’s words, Jung Sena finally shut her mouth.

“Whenever I meet your grandfather, he’s only full of praises about you. Does he know you go around acting like this?”

“Ha, how dare you…?”

“How dare I?”

Lisa walked over and stood right in front of Jung Sena.

“Are you a princess? How dare you? Can’t you see that we have to return to the airport due to a safety issue? A flight attendant of an airline is both a flight attendant and a safety officer. If a bigger accident happens because of you, then who will take responsibility? Your father? Or maybe your grandfather?”

Lisa coldly glared at the woman. Her eyes were so intense that Jung Sena took a step back.

“All of your stupid behavior is currently being recorded by that security camera. Do you think this stewardess doesn’t know that and is just kneeling in front of you as she gets hit over and over again?”

Shocked, Jung Sena looked over to where Lisa had gestured. There really was a camera there.

“Those are there because of people like you. Wake up, Jung Sena. If you don’t want to be humiliated, immediately apologize to the stewardess.”

“What? This crazy bitch…”

“Ha, crazy bitch? Should I show you what crazy looks like?”

Oh my god. Jungkook quickly stepped out and tried to stop the two women. No one knew how this would unfold if he didn’t intervene. Jung Sena glared at Lisa as she stepped back, but Lisa suddenly looked calm and poised.


“I’m sorry. But that lady is the type of person that will only understand once she’s taught a lesson…”

Dumbfounded, and a bit amused, Jungkook looked at her. It was at this moment that the head steward, who had been watching this whole time, finally stepped up and bowed his head.

“I apologize. It’s our fault…”

He turned around and looked down at the humiliated stewardess.

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