Chapter 24

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Two weeks had passed. Today, President Min received an emergency alert from the Zurich Cantonal Bank.

“Sir, I’ve received horrible news.”

Secretary Yang entered the chairman’s office with a pale face.

“It looks like something has happened at the Swiss bank.”

“What? What do you mean?”

President Min scowled at the secretary. They were still recovering from the hacking that had taken over the company two weeks ago.

An infamous hacking program called ‘ransomware’ had infiltrated the R&K headquarters and taken the list of investors as well as a tremendous amount of data. Those bastards had even destroyed the backup data servers.

In return for the data, they were demanding 2 billion won!

He didn’t want to hand over that much money no matter what, but he didn’t know what would happen to the data if he didn’t pay up. The problem was the VIP investors. The data included information on the top secret projects they had invested in. Helpless, President Min bit the bullet and sent them the ransom money.

It was like the apocalypse. He had spent all that money on security, but they had still succumbed to that lousy program.

But now the Swiss bank?! Just what was going on with this world?

“Early this morning, someone attempted to hack into the Swiss bank systems.”


Haa… Those crazy bastards.

“So what happened?”

“Thankfully, the bank security system caught it and blocked it. Still, it looks like it left them pretty shaken, so they’re strengthening their security system as we speak. They’ve given anything related to the hacker over to the Swiss police.”

“Of course they should! After all that money I’ve put in that bank?!”

President Min’s face reddened in anger. He was worried that he’d lose a penny of his precious money. The money inside that account shouldn’t have any problems, right? A million worries filled his mind, but right now, he wanted to check and make sure that his money was okay.

“So what are they going to do?”

“They’re asking you to quickly head over to their headquarters in Zurich. Since this is a security issue, they want you to change your password as well as update their facial and fingerprint recognition systems. They’re saying that this can’t be done at the Korean branch.”

“What? I need to go there personally?”

“It seems that this is a serious issue. They’re saying this can’t be done at a branch office.”

“Damn it.”

President Min quickly took his phone and called his wife. What would he do if there was a problem with his account in the Swiss bank? Nothing was safe in this day and age. These days, the wicked thieves used all sorts of methods to rob people.

“Where are you? What? At a skin care facility? Why are you going there again? Get out and come here right now!”

He threw down his phone with a bang.


The curses began to come out automatically. If his son wasn’t so young, he would have divorced her already.

Whenever he thought about how his young wife had an affair with Taehyung, he was filled with rage. He knew it would happen. Every woman who saw that bastard’s pretty face began to drool. That went for all those secretary bitches as well as his wife. They were all wiped out with that bastard’s one look.

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