Chapter 9

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“Father-in-law sent me an anniversary gift.”

Jungkook was surprised that his voice sounded so calm. For the first time in his life, he was enraged to the core, but his voice carried the same tone it always did.

“What gift?”

His wife slightly narrowed her eyes. He knew. He knew that his wife hated her own father. Even though she never said it, whenever she stood in front of his father-in-law, her body slightly stiffened and froze up. Additionally, she never looked directly at her father.

“He gave me the news that the 500 billion was approved by the EUIB (European Union Investment Bank).”

His wife froze. Jungkook didn’t take his eyes off her. His wife’s eyes were filled with confusion and doubt. Even though he couldn’t see it from here, Jungkook knew his wife would be clenching her hands together on top of her lap in order to calm down.

The news of the failure of the Dubai project started spreading 3 days ago. How were they able to gain the approval of the EUIB?

“…I’m glad.”

There was nothing else she could say.

“But I wonder how you were able to gain the approval.”

“It’s because I offered R&K a deal.”

“You offered a deal? What was it?”

As HyunJin’s heir, he had about 2 trillion won in assets.

“Half of my shares of the HyunJin company.”

What? Half? Then 1 trillion? 1 trillion!

Lisa’s lips opened in shock. It was similar to the expression his father had when he told him the same thing in his office yesterday morning.

His father’s reaction was a sight to see. He looked at Jungkook as if he’d gone crazy. He wasn’t wrong. No one would have used half of his assets as a collateral in a business deal. However, the one and only Jungkook said he’d do it.

He calmly persuaded his father. The failure of the Dubai project resulted in more than financial loss and a break in ties with R&K. HyunJin’s pride had been trampled on in front of the world.

He had planned and designed the Dubai project. He couldn’t afford for this project to be squashed away like this. He was going to catch the culprit who stole the 500 billion no matter what. He would get that money back. He was confident of this. He would bet everything he had.

With the 1 trillion as collateral, the EUIB had no reason to deny the 500 billion, just half of what Jungkook had offered.

With HyunJin managing this with so much on the line, R&K could no longer be suspicious of them. The conflict had been resolved quickly, and ‘The Tropical’ would be restarted soon.

This would be a chance for Jungkook to show his leadership skills. Half of his assets would be worth this opportunity.

However, it didn’t justify why he took such drastic actions.

Jungkook stiffly sat as he looked at his wife. Lisa was defensively scowling back at him. What would everyone say if he told them this was all a strategy to avoid losing her?

What was he doing right now? He constantly asked himself this question for the past 3 days, and he still wasn’t able to find an answer.

Even after putting half of his assets on the line, he didn’t feel like it was wasted. Even when he found out that Lisa had been hiding something, he wasn’t as angry as he expected to be. Truthfully, he didn’t care about something like money. His assets had been given to him since his birth, so he didn’t feel like he had real ownership over it.

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