Chapter 7

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There were three stalls, and Lisa went into the last one. She opened the toilet lid and peered inside. There was a small, hidden bundle of tarp holding a cellphone inside. She quickly took it out and turned the phone on.

The screen went bright as a whirl of lights flashed. Lisa quickly looked around at the bathroom ceiling and walls before looking down at the screen. There was only one number saved in the phone. However, she couldn’t call it. She quickly opened the messaging app and sent a text message.


A few second passed. When a reply still hadn’t come, Lisa began to feel anxious.


The reply was the same as always.

「What happened?」

「That’s what I want to ask you.」

「What are you talking about? What could I know being inside here?」

「HyunJin was the one who changed their mind.」

「So why is that?」

「I don’t know that either. Have you heard anything from Jungkook?」

Heard something from her husband? Well, she did. He congratulated her for their 2-year anniversary.

「He didn’t bring up the divorce.」

The reply was slow this time. The few seconds felt like eternity. Eventually, a text message popped up.

「Jungkook is the one who blocked it.」

What? Lisa’s eyes widened as she stared at the message. What did this mean? Jungkook blocked it? Before she could ask why, a different message popped up.

「Can you be more specific? Why was the deal made…?!」

「I don’t know yet. Lisa, your husband knows something, doesn’t he?」

He knows something? What could Jungkook know? What mistake did she make? There was no way. She had left no evidence behind.

Lisa wanted to call instead. Sending text messages was too frustrating. The thought that Jungkook knowing something made her feel suffocated.

「That’s toyal nonsense! That!」

Lisa’s fingers kept making typos. She forced herself to calm down. Being shocked wouldn’t solve anything.

It was too late. The incident had happened. She had stolen the 500 billion won.

HyunJin and R&K’s funds for the Dubai project were now splintered into smaller portions around the world and were in the process of being laundered. After this, no one would know where the money came from, and they would pool it back together.

However, what Lisa had wanted wasn’t just the 500 billion won. What she truly wanted was for HyunJin and R&K to break apart. She wanted them to trample on each other and start a war. She planned to sneak behind this chaebol brawl and throw them both off the cliff.

She had planned to send R&K the evidence of HyunJin’s corruption and send HyunJin the evidence of R&K’s corruption.

But now what?

Instead of fighting, they had struck a deal?

「I don’t know either. Anyways, the situation has become like this. Thanks to Jungkook. Figure out why your husband doing this. Find out what he really wants… 」


She had only typed out this much when she heard the lounge door open. Lisa’s body stiffened. She didn’t think Secretary Kim would be this disrespectful.

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