Chapter 4

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What was going on with him?

Lisa was walking along the corridor before she stopped.

She was filled with rage. She wanted to grab something and throw it across the room. However, she couldn’t do that. Her graceful, calm mask of an upper-class lady had cracked…

The sky shook with a rumble of thunder. The square window across the room reflected the yellow lights of the room. The raindrops were trickling down like a swarm of bugs. Lisa glanced up at the ceiling. A cleverly hidden camera was watching her. Countless cameras were watching Lisa’s every move in this place she called ‘home’.

The exited the corridor, leaving behind the crisp sound of her heels against the floor. Her calm, cold expression had returned. She had become so used to living her life while being watched that it had sunk into her bones. She walked with her usual stride and speed as she returned to her wing of the house.

‘Wing’ was an appropriate term for this situation. Including the basement, this house had five floors.

The lower floor was the garage. The first floor contained the reception rooms for guests. The second floor had the dining room and the study. The third floor was the small pool and private gym. The fourth floor was where the couples had their own private rooms for their personal use. The eastern wing belonged to Seo Jungkook, and the western wing was Lisa’s. It contained her sitting room, her studio, and her bedroom.

The house was so large that it was possible for them not to meet at all if they really wanted to. However, her wing also had cameras. She wasn’t sure if it was for security or for surveillance, but since someone was always watching her, she was never able to relax.

Lisa entered the western sitting room and let out a soft sigh. However, when she saw the woman waiting for her inside, her face instantly hardened. It was Secretary Kim. No, that wasn’t quite right. More accurately, Secretary Kim was her husband’s mistress.

“Did you have a good talk with the director?”

Ah, did she wait here all this time to hear this? How nice of her… Did she want to hear the news of their divorce before it was announced to everyone else? Oh dear, what should I do? Your lover doesn’t seem to want to divorce his wife…

Lisa sat down wordlessly and poured a cup of tea.

Whether her husband had a lover or not, whether the situation turned to shit because the said lover lived in their house with them or not, it was none of her business.

Either way, their marriage was merely a contract. If one looked at it from a different angle, it was all a conspiracy that started on lies. More importantly, Lisa planned on getting divorced from Jungkook no matter what.

The temperature of the tea was fine, but it tasted bitter. This was because the tea leaves had soaked in the water for too long. Secretary Kim continued to hesitate as she stood next to Lisa.

“But do you think our relationship should be shaken because of something like that?”

Lisa recalled her husband’s face as he said those words. The tea water in her cup trembled in her hand. She put so much force into her fingers that she almost broke the expensive teacup that came from England.

“I don’t plan on breaking up with you.”

Lisa felt as if all the blood in her body had gone cold.

What is going through your mind, Jeon Jungkook?

She felt sorry for Secretary Kim, but Lisa had nothing to say to her. If things had gone according to plan and she had received a notification of divorce from her husband just now, she would have had Secretary Kim help her gather her belongings to pack tomorrow or arrange a different place for her to stay. She needed to give her an order, but…

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