Chapter 13

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Jungkook took out his hand before moving her panties to the side. Underneath the sunlight, her sex was already drenched in her juices.

Ugh, Lisa groaned unintentionally as she bit her lips.

“Why is it already like this?”

“Let me go!”

“Is it because of me?”

He inserted his finger into her entrance. Lisa fiercely struggled as she tried to push him off. In the process, her cup of coffee fell off the table and rolled onto the carpet.

“Jungkook-ssi, please.”

“I told you to stop being coy, Lisa. I’m getting tired of it.”

I’m really going to lose my mind. Lisa was so angry that she drew her leg back to kick him away but ended up lying down on the table in the process. The vase was knocked down. The water flowed out as the spring flowers scattered across the table.

Jungkook laughed. He had also lost his mind. While he was overwhelmed with jealousy and lust, his wife also looked extremely beautiful as she was spread out on top of the table underneath him.


He unconsciously called out her name. As she yelled out for him to stop, he quickly suppressed her shout by covering her mouth with his. Their tongues tangled as he plunged his finger further into her entrance.


Lisa moaned. She was still sensitive from yesterday. Her swollen petals closed around his finger and trembled. With his thumb, Jungkook pressed down on her peak and rubbed it quickly.

The wet sounds, her sobbing cries, the sound of another cup tipping over on the table… Following these noises, Lisa heard Jungkook unbuckling his belt.

“No! You beast…”

She mumbled the words into his mouth. She heard Jungkook’s muffled laughter. His swollen cock plunged into her entrance and the table shook with the force.


Lisa clenched her teeth to withstand the surge of violent pleasure. Her body, still excited from yesterday, jolted at the sensation.


Her vision became hazy. An intense climax similar to yesterday’s was building up again. She couldn’t believe this.

Zip, Jungkook unzipped her dress. That sound alone excited her even further. Jungkook stuck his lips onto her pale neck. He bit her neck and furiously sucked.

“Agh, aaahhh, ah.”

Lisa trembled when she realized that the strange moans echoing through the dining room were her own. The heels she had been wearing were now dangling on her feet before falling to the floor.

As the sounds of their skin slapping increased along with Jungkook’s thrusts, the rest of the objects on top of the table began to shake. The dishes rattled before crashing down onto the floor.

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