Chapter 10

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What? What did he say? Threesome? Swapping?

“What did you just say?”

“Why not? I was only presenting a couple of ideas to spice up our delightful marriage.”

“How can you describe our marriage as ‘delightful’? I think ‘sickening’ is a more appropriate term. Have you gone crazy?”

“I told you that you could have your lovers in this marriage we didn’t choose to have. Why are you so angry?”


Jungkook chuckled as he got up from his seat. Lisa felt a sense of danger and flinched before backing away.

“Stay right there!”

“Lisa, enough with the act.”


Jungkook went around the table and approached Lisa’s seat. As he looked down at her, he began to loosen his tie.

“I feel as though I’ve been neglecting you lately. If I knew you were having such a hard time, I would have put in more effort.”

His cold eyes looking down at her made Lisa shiver.

No way…

“What did you say?”

Lisa growled. Even if they were in a secluded room, this was a public place. They were in a restaurant. Anyone could come in at anytime.

“Have you gone mad?”

No way. There was no way. No matter how unpredictable Jungkook was, there was no way…

Her blouse ripped as he pulled at it in opposite directions. Lisa opened her mouth in shock and froze. The buttons that had popped off soared in every direction. Not bothering to take off her bra, his hands went underneath it and began to caress her breasts.


Lisa let out a suppressed shriek and grabbed both of her husband’s wrists. However, she couldn’t overpower his strength. Her body began to fall backwards.

“Stop it.”

“Shh. Do you really want an employee to check in?”


His fingers went underneath her skirt and pushed her panties to the side.

Oh my god! What was he doing?

Ever since their first night on their honeymoon, Jungkook had been an aggressive lover. However, he still respected her wishes.

Also, they were currently in a restaurant. And one wall was made of glass! Even if he had gone absolutely crazy, they couldn’t do this here. Lisa managed to escape him and backed away into a corner of the room. Unlike his usual self, Jungkook stubbornly approached her. This was the first time she had seen Jungkook like this. On top of that, he was violently angry.

“That’s enough…”

She wanted to tell him to stop, but his tongue plunged into her mouth. His sake-flavored tongue twisted with hers. Even if she tried to escape, he sucked her back in and bit down. Lisa shivered as she smelled his electrifying scent.

She had kept her distance from him for half a year. Her starved body immediately reacted to his lips. 3 days ago, when he had kissed her, she had meant to scratch at his face, but her arms wouldn’t move.

Jungkook. The gentleman that had always backed off when she told him she was too tired. Afterwards, even as she told herself she did a good job, her body twisted in discomfort. Jungkook had always backed away when she said she didn’t want to, so why was he so riled up now?

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