Chapter 12

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Why did you go and do something like that?

Have you really lost your mind?

The next morning, Lisa stared at her mess of a face in the bathroom mirror as she berated herself. This wasn’t the time to be doing things like that with him. Jungkook had ruined everything and was closing in on her right now!

To think that he put half of his assets on the line! Thanks to that, the sinking Dubai project had caught its second wind. Instead of tearing apart, R&K and HyunJin were on better terms after having weathered through this obstacle together.

And you went on top of him and rode him as all this was happening? As you wickedly rotated you’re hips and seduced him?

You stupid idiot, Lisa.

Last night, Lisa didn’t get a wink of sleep. She was worried about Taehyung, but she couldn’t contact him because her cellphone had been taken away. She had managed to keep things from unraveling any further by claiming he was her lover, but if he was caught, it would be hard for him to escape with his life intact.

She had to help him escape no matter what.

Just in case, she had to get him out of Korea. Oppa would definitely say that she had to leave with him, but if she disappeared with him, it would look even more suspicious.

What was she going to do? How could she contact him?

“Alright, I understand now. Then have a good time meeting with Taehyung, Lisa. Don’t contact him in the bathroom like that. It doesn’t suit you. If we ever get bored with our partners, why don’t we try going for a threesome? Maybe we can even try swapping partners. I’ll arrange it if you ever feel up to it.”

She suddenly recalled Jungkook’s words to her before he had made her nearly pass out yesterday. What? Have a good time with Taehyung? So he was saying that it was okay to just meet him in public, right? And if we ever felt bored, we could call our partners over and have a threesome or swap?

He’d allow for all that but not a divorce?

It didn’t make any sense. She couldn’t do it anymore. She couldn’t continue to play the role of his wife.

Last night was strange. After last night’s incident, a strange atmosphere had developed between them. Whenever they brushed against each other, a current traveled to the spot they touched. The aftermath of yesterday’s events prickled her skin.

“Get yourself together, Lisa.”

Lisa warned herself as she looked at her own reflection in the mirror. First things first, she needed to tell Taehyung-oppa what she had learned. They needed to retrieve the 500 billion won before its whereabouts were found out. If they had that money, they might be able to find another opportunity in the future.

When Lisa left the bathroom, she saw Yeri standing by as usual. She didn’t know what she could be thinking at this moment, but her cold face framed by her bob-cut hair didn’t reveal anything.

“The director is waiting for you in the dining room.”

Her voice wasn’t different from usual. Lisa didn’t reply and silently sat in front of her vanity and began to put on her earrings.

Today, Lisa was wearing a simple ivory dress with pearl earrings. She liked her usual quiet, poised style. She planned on killing and burying the seductress from last night.

“What would you like to do with the anniversary present?”

Lisa heard Yeri’s voice once again. For some reason, it sounded like it was covered in thorns. Of course. After seeing them last night, there was no way she’d be comfortable with this.

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