Chapter 14

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“Let’s have a child, Lisa.”

Lisa woke up with a start. She saw the familiar ceiling above her. She quickly sat up.

“Let’s have a child, Lisa.”

Jungkook definitely said those words as he caressed her cheek.

With shock still lingering in her eyes, Lisa looked around at her surroundings. Her bed… She was in her room. The curtains were closed, blanketing the room in darkness. What time was it? What happened? She remembered Jungkook carrying her back to her room. She suddenly remembered what they had done in the dining hall that morning.

Oh my god! Just what did they… What was…!

Her vision turned pitch black. She didn’t know when things started to take a turn for the worse. First things first, she needed to get ahold of herself. No matter what…


As Lisa was rushing off the bed, she felt a surge of pain in her lower abdomen and hips and doubled over. It was the result of their intense actions from yesterday and today.

This was the first time her body had become weak like this. It was all thanks to the fact that she had stopped working out 2 years ago in fear of being caught. Lisa clenched her teeth and got up from her seat. She looked at her smartphone on the bedside table and saw that it was a little past 4 PM. To think that she slept this late… And she had to go to the HyunJin house to have dinner today…

At that moment, she heard someone knock on the door.

“Young Madame?”

It was Sejin.

“Ah, yes?”

“Have you woken up?”


“The car will be leaving at 6 PM. Please get ready and come to the dining hall. You should eat something light before you leave.”

Lisa didn’t move and just stared at the door. She remembered Jungkook telling her that he was planning on transferring Secretary Kim to the main office. Did he really do it?

“Young Madame?”

“Ah… alright.”

She quickly answered and stood up. She didn’t know what was happening, but she needed to get ready for now. It seemed that after Jungkook had messed with her, she had fallen asleep. She took a few steps towards the bathroom. Suddenly, something began flow out of her.

Shocked, Lisa stopped in her tracks. It was his semen. Damn it…

She muttered. She recalled Jungkook’s voice as he brought up having a child.

Never. Absolutely not. Jeon JaeHyuk’s grandchild… If she was to bear the next heir of the Jeon family, she’d rather hang herself.

She needed to end things as soon as possible. No matter what.

Lisa wiped the steam off the mirror. She saw the reflection of her terrified, pale face.

Why are you like this? Are you crazy? Did you forget why you even married Jungkook? No matter what happens, you can’t be with him.

She opened the cabinet and took out the USB and a thin pen. She had to leave no matter what it took. Her hand began to tremble.

Two hours later, Lisa looked as perfect as always as she approached the black car. Her clean, Prussian blue two-piece outfit suited her pale complexion. Her hair was tied back in a tidy updo, every single hair in place. She held a blue purse with golden embroidery as she waited for Sejin to open the car door. She carefully got inside.

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