Chapter 32

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"Last night, during the HyunJin anniversary banquet at S hotel, a video file was released that has been making a huge impact in our country. The video was of Kang Yina, the daughter of KeumYoung, who passed away 13 years ago. This video was on every screen in the hotel. It was also released on the internet. Many viewers are still leaving comments on the post."

"Yes. 28 years ago, RyuHwa Company and KeumYoung Investments merged to form the powerful investment company R&K. The only daughter of KeumYoung, Kang Yina, and the eldest son of RyuHwa, Min DaeYup were married in order to seal this merger. Although Kang Yina already had a family, her previous husband and her son suffered a fatal car crash. The video revealed that the crash was actually planned by the ex-President Min DaeYup and HyunJin's President Jeon JaeHyuk. As this video spread out to the public, our citizens are in complete and total shock."

"This is truly a terrifying and sickening story. A premeditated murder and a contract marriage... It's truly uncivilized and disgusting. How has R&K and HyunJin responded to this?"

"R&K's ex-president and HyunJin have both firmly protested and denied these allegations. However, other evidence that says otherwise is beginning to pop up all over the internet. It looks like these two presidents will have a hard time avoiding police questioning."

"Haa, this story is so tragic that I can hardly believe my ears. But I heard the more pressing story actually involves President Jeon JaeHyuk's son, Directly Jeon Jungkook, and Kang Yina-ssi's daughter, Min Lisa-ssi."

"Yes, if we look at their parents, they were supposed to be mutual enemies. However, last April, they celebrated their 2nd anniversary. Will this couple be able to stay married after all this? Many of us are curious about the story behind how they even got married in the first place..."

"Damn it."

Eun moved the mouse and turned off the live stream. The room plunged into silence. The sunlight poured over the humming computer. She could hear the children running on the streets outside. To anyone else, this day was an ordinary day like any other. To someone else, her world had completely collapsed.

After Eun closed the browser window, three laughing faces were looking back at her. The photo was of high-schoolers Lisa and Eun, and even Taehyung was by their side. The picture was taken 10 years ago. Eun saw her own brightly smiling face, Lisa's slight smile, and Taehyung's blank expression on the monitor.

After staring at the picture for a bit, Eun quickly moved the mouse and began searching for the button to delete the photo. However, the cursor remained on the 'delete' button for a while. She had nurtured an unrequited love for one man for so long. She had been disappointed and angry with him before, but she had never hated him.

Eun calmly looked at the man's face in the picture before clicking the 'delete' button. Maybe she should have gotten rid of these feelings a long time ago. Because she wanted to see him, she had chased him all the way back to Korea. And yet these memories were being erased like this.

Ding-dong. The doorbell suddenly rang.

Surprised, Eun turned her head and looked at the front door. Then she turned back and looked at the small room behind her. The door had remained closed all this time. Lisa had not left the room at all. 3 days had passed since the scandal. Lisa wasn't eating, drinking, talking, or crying.

Did Lisa's husband come for her? Eun quickly ran over to the door and looked through the peep hole. Surprisingly, the man outside wasn't Jungkook. It was Taehyung.

- Open up, Eun. I know Lisa's here.

Eun looked at him for a while before straightening up. Yeah, she knew he'd show up here eventually. Lisa didn't have anywhere else to go but here. As soon the door opened with a creak, she saw a restless Taehyung standing there.

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