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“I’d like to introduce our new team member who will be starting here at the security department.”

After hearing Jaehyun’s voice, everyone stopped working at their computers and straightened up. The group was mostly made up of sharp, stocky men and tidy women. A new team member? The new project they had received was related to the country’s department of defense, so it made sense that they were adding more personnel to the security department.

The woman who trailed in after Jaehyun was tall. She was a bit thin and had short hair, but she still looked stylish.

“Hello, everyone. My name is Han Lalisa.”

The woman calmly bowed her head as she greeted them.

“Aah, we wanted a guy…”

From the back, Mingyu groaned out unhappily. Derrick frowned and glared at him.

“Man or woman, who cares about that these days?”

“But when we have to work outside the office, we need some strong people. Everyone’s sitting at their desks all the time, so…”

“Shut up. You know this is a critical time for all of us…”

The country had fallen into total chaos due to cyberterrorists. At least 150 new cases appeared every single day. Occasionally, the attacks even targeted the Ministry of National Defense, other government offices, financial institutions, and even the press. Last year, the Ministry of Defense’s website had been hacked, shutting down the entire military’s communication network as well as any contact with the Blue House. If a national emergency had occurred in that situation, they would all be helpless.

This project not only called for them create a program that would completely block these attacks, but they were also ordered to invent new weapons that used different energy sources. The hackers were already targeting this information. Therefore they also needed to prepare for the worst in case this information ever leaked out.

Therefore, Han Lalisa, also known as Osiris in the cyberworld, was needed in this dire situation.

Lalisa didn’t say a word and merely smiled lightly. It didn’t matter what other people said. She only cared about completing this assignment. There might even be a secret informant in this group of people. That was her assignment. She needed to watch them from the inside.

“Welcome. Don’t worry about that guy. He’s always talking nonsense.”

A female team member approached her with a smile. The others held out their hands. They all seemed nice for the most part.

‘Nice’? Lalisa shook all of their hands as she thought. You can’t tell what a person is really like with just their outward behavior alone. That was the truth. How much had she hidden as she lived her life?

“I’ll be in your care.”

Jaehyun smirked slightly as he watched her.

Lisa, no, now she was Han Lalisa. Lalisa was now a member of the HyunJin security team. Jungkook had been the one to suggest it. However, when she told him that she wanted to keep their relationship a secret, he was furious.


As a man who got colder the more angry he became, Jungkook didn’t yell. However, she could tell that he hated it.

“Come on. I’d be working as a team member, but if they find out that I’m actually the president’s wife, who’d like that? I’d never be able to get close to anyone.”

“What does that have to do with your work?”

“Either way, you can’t tell anyone. Don’t you dare mention it.”

“What did you say?”

He angrily shot up from his seat, but Lisa didn’t budge.

“You said that this assignment is very important. You said that it’s urgent. If I’m going to do this properly, I think we should keep our relationship a secret… Jungkook-ssi, can’t we just pretend to date secretly for 1 year?”

“No, we can’t.”

“Aaah, honey, just for 1 year.”

“I said no!”

His eyes seemed to be screaming, ‘Over my dead body.’

“Hmm, I wanted to try that kind of office life… I really wanted to try it… An office romance…”

His eyes slightly wavered.

“Well, you know. The president of a company and an employee… Meeting up secretly to share their love…”

“Why do you want that? We can always embrace each other at home…”

Even though he said this, a fire began to blaze in his eyes. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Lalisa walked up to him and began to unbuckle his belt. Her husband looked down at her in disbelief. Lalisa gave him a smile of satisfaction and slowly began to move down.

“You know, sneaking into the chairman’s office and having the president lay down on his own desk, or even swallowing you up like this in an empty stairwell… I want to try things like that…”

Seeing him flinch, Lalisa thought he looked very cute.

“Now, shall we get to work?”

Jungkook didn’t move and merely stared at her. As her head lowered, he didn’t even breathe. When her lips touched his cock, he threw back his head and let out a hum.

Did you really think you could win? Who do you think you’re talking to?

Lisa smirked.

“Now, shall we get to work?”

Suddenly, Jaehyun’s voice jerked Lalisa out of her thoughts. She walked over to an empty computer and lightly brushed her fingers over the keyboard. The bumpy keys felt so familiar to her. A secretive smile stretched across her lips.

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