Chapter 31

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Jungkook silently glared at Taehyung. He really didn’t understand why he was doing this. Didn’t he get everything he wanted? Didn’t he avenge his mother, Kang Yina? President Min, who had started this tragedy, was incarcerated, and Taehyung had taken everything away from him. What more did he need to be satisfied?

Did he really need to completely overturn the Dubai project? If only for the sake of his younger sister, he shouldn’t have gone this far.

He couldn’t understand him at all. Not one bit.

“CEO Kim Taehyung.”

There was a chill to Jungkook’s voice.

“To think that you came all the way over here to personally give us an answer… How delightful.”

“There’s no need to be so delighted…”

Taehyung snorted. He then walked up to him and grabbed Lisa away from his arms. Jungkook froze, and Lisa looked ghastly pale. The couple that had entered this venue hand-in-hand was now completely split apart.

“What do you think you’re doing…?”

“Take your dirty hands off my sister.”


“I’ve always wanted to say that.”

“What did you say?”


After taking Lisa away from Jungkook, Taehyung turned around. He looked at President Jeon, who had been glaring at Taehyung this whole time.

“Now, how do you feel, President Jeon?”

Taehyung took off his glasses.

“Oppa, no.”

Lisa realized what Taehyung was planning to say. To stop him, she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away. But it was no use.

“Don’t you think we look alike? I saw a picture of us, and we look like carbon copies…”


Jeon JaeHyuk was grinding his teeth, seemingly done listening to this nonsense. Still, Taehyung dragged Lisa with him as he approached him. Once they were standing right in front of him, Taehyung lifted his face and smirked.

“Take a good look. I’m asking you. Don’t you think my sister and I look very similar to the woman you’ve been obsessing over? Don’t I look similar to the boy that was in the car that you crashed 28 years ago? I take after my father, and Lisa takes after my mother.”

Gradually, all the blood began to leave Jeon JaeHyuk’s face. His eyes began to waver. His neck began to redden.

“What… Just what nonsense are you spewing?”

“Nonsense? I’m being totally honest for the first time in my life. What nonsense are you talking about? Look closely. Don’t you remember?”

“Shut up. You don’t even have the credentials to discuss important business matters with me. Now what kind of bullshit is this?”

“Aha, you don’t remember? Then let me help you. Han JinWook, Kang Yina. Must I say their names in order to trigger your memory?”

President Jeon’s face became deathly pale. His trembling eyes looked back and forth between Taehyung and Lisa. And then he realized. They looked alike. They truly were like carbon copies. Taehyung looked like that man. Lisa looked just like Kang Yina as always.


Jeon JaeHyuk suddenly took a step back.

No. It can’t be. There’s no way.

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