Chapter 3

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With that, the couple started their married life. During their 3-day-2-night honeymoon, they never left the resort. While it was a honeymoon only in name, Jungkook was infatuated with Lisa. His wife’s body was like a sweet aphrodisiac to him.

No matter how many times he embraced her, her body was a drug that never failed to bring him great pleasure. Although her movements were initially awkward, she was beginning to move in tune with his body. He found no greater joy than seeing his wife’s face contorted in the sexual pleasure she discovered with him.

However, sex was just sex. There was nothing more insufferable than mixing sexual pleasure with love. The saying ‘What draws the body, draws the heart’ did not apply to Jungkook. Desire would arise like fire, but it also disappeared. Lisa would be the same.

They were business partners. They made a deal in order to make profit, and they only had sex to feel pleasure, so they ultimately couldn’t be like other married couples.

Their Japanese honeymoon was a fantasy, and Seoul was reality. 40,000 employees, 200,000 if their families were included, relied on him. A honeymoon fantasy wouldn’t get in the way of that. His reality was a chain of designing projects and marketing, banks, and investments.

Therefore, there were silent rules between them. They didn’t speak of the rules or make them clear, but it was a clear line in the sand.

They never approached the other out of sentiment.

They never concerned themselves with the other’s private lives.

They had sex, but only out of consideration for the other. Jungkook frequently had to work overnight or go on business trips. His work never ended. If he needed her during the night, he would go find her. However, if Lisa refused, he didn’t approach her. He also tried to keep distance when they slept.

They needed to put in effort in order to keep up this situation. There was no need to make the other’s heart waver just because of something like lust. The orgasms were like a bonus. There was no need to cause any problems because of that.

In order to keep his distance with her, Jungkook was meticulous about his actions. He considered it as insurance for the future. As for Lisa, she never approached him first. They both knew this well. They both knew their relationship better than anyone. Or so he thought.

This was exactly what suited him. The shell was there, but the seed was hollow. That summed up their relationship. Therefore, bringing up divorce would never be an issue.

That’s exactly how it was.



“What did you say?”

His wife’s cold voice sounded a bit different than usual.

She proceeded to look at him as if he was playing some kind of sick joke.

He enjoyed seeing her stiff face trying hard to keep its usual mask. Living with someone was an interesting experience. They had spent two years living like strangers, but he had come to know her a little better.

At first, he didn’t notice them. The tiny habits, the changes in her eyes, the many masks, and the walls she put around herself…

He even knew what she did during the day when he wasn’t there. She usually sequestered herself in her studio and drew all day. Around the time Jungkook finished work, she would get herself ready and take care of any household matters that needed her attention. She’d show her face at any events they attended, and once a week, she’d give a lecture at the university.

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