Chapter 25

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10 seconds after President Min and Tzuyu's car had departed, the real Hans Benerst was waiting at the real Zurich Cantonal Bank a few blocks away. He was waiting for the VVIP client who was coming all the way from Korea.

A few days ago, they had been alerted to an attempted cyber attack. Thanks to that, the security offices were drowning in calls. The security offices sent over their emergency team, and they were currently still investigating the security systems of the neighboring towns.

However, the VVIP client in Korea had somehow heard about this incident and had insisted on visiting the bank personally. They began to endlessly question the bank about their security before finally announcing that they were going to transfer their entire account back to their country of Korea.

That would cause a lot of problems for the bank, but in the end, they couldn't do anything more to hold on to this longtime client. This client had stored a large sum of money in the bank, so the bank had also used a lot of resources to maintain. He wouldn't be getting that promotion after this. Hans was irritated, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The Zurich Cantonal Bank didn't have an online banking feature. Therefore the account holders had to personally come to the main bank to withdraw their accounts.

One could see it as a last-ditch effort to dissuade clients from leaving. Hans was prepared to offer his client an exceptional interest rate to get them to stay.

He saw the VVIP limousine enter the town through the surveillance camera. He checked his necktie one last time before heading for the elevator. The elevator door was already open, and the security camera inside was recording Hans as he entered. The surveillance footage glitched for a moment but then went back to normal.


The limousine door opened, and a slender leg in black stockings stepped out. Hans swallowed.

He had heard that this was the Korean president of R&K's young wife. The slender, beautiful woman was living with a man who could be her father. Her brown, wavy hair, her cold face covered in sunglasses, her red lips, and her short Chanel dress.

[This way.]

She languidly followed after him. Behind her was a tall man who seemed to be her bodyguard or secretary. He was also wearing sunglasses.

They got on an elevator and went up. They went through seven rooms and flawlessly passed through the security checkpoints. When they arrived at the identity checkpoint, the woman took off her sunglasses and pulled back her hair. Her light, smokey-eye make-up made her seem sexy and haughty.

Tzuyu. Once they checked her passport, they let her through. They checked the man's passport as well. His name was Jin SooHan, and he was from Chou Kong.

When they finally entered the VVIP room, they sat in front of the machine that would be scanning their faces and their fingerprints.

[Please place your head here.]

The woman slowly put brought her head closer to the machine.

Lisa's grip on her purse tightened. It would be a lie to say she wasn't nervous. It was one thing to practice the motions back when they were still planning this. But now that she was actually here, her feelings were totally different. However, now that they had come this far, there was no going back.

Behind her, Jungkook didn't waver. He was constantly against this plan for the past week, but in the end, he had no choice but to lose to Lisa's persuasion and persistence.

He only had one condition.

He would go with her.

Surprised, Lisa shot it down, but he was also stubborn. He wasn't going to let her go alone in this situation. If something went wrong, it wouldn't only the end for her. It would also be the end for him.

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