Chapter 30

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Time mercilessly continued to march forward. Like a wheel, it smashed and trampled everything, but it didn’t stop.

As expected, Min DaeYup, President of R&K, had gone to jail. What surprised people even more was the news that President Min had lost his position in the company, and Taehyung had taken over R&K as its new CEO.

Taehyung? Just who was this man that had taken over this crumbling empire?

He was known as President Min’s right-hand man. Wasn’t he the one that helped take care of the dark side of the company?

Just how did he convince the board of directors to vote for him?

This news also came as a shock for Lisa. She knew that he had been elaborately planning his revenge for so long, but she had no idea how he had captured the hearts of the shareholders. No, he probably didn’t capture their hearts. He probably knew their weaknesses.

What was more surprising was the actual account holder of the Swiss account, Tzuyu. She was President Min’s third wife with the complicated past. She had entrusted all of her shares to Taehyung. Through that, Taehyung could attend the general meeting and become nominated for the position of CEO.

Additionally, she submitted evidence that she had no idea about the slush fund’s existence and avoided imprisonment. How had she been so prepared? It was almost as if she already knew about this incident beforehand…

“No way, that’s ridiculous.”

Lisa mumbled as she looked at the article on the internet. Taehyung didn’t tell her about this plan. She knew that President Min would definitely lose R&K. She had even expected his imprisonment. However, Taehyung’s move had completely blindsided her.

Didn’t he want to completely leave R&K after this was over? Didn’t he want to break free from all these disgusting ties to the past?

Her brother loved Eun. He didn’t show it, but only Lisa knew what was truly inside his heart.

He had always treated Eun coldly and told her not to get any closer to him, but only with Eun did he genuinely laugh. Lisa had seen the way his eyes looked at Eun from afar. Lisa probably knew Taehyung’s heart better than he did.

While Eun was a troublemaker, a little weird, and quite extraordinary, she was lovable and pure. She had the ability to brighten the hearts of everyone around her. She also loved Taehyung.

Wearing her heart on her sleeve, Eun was always looking at him. Even as she watched her brother deepened his relationship with Tzuyu, she didn’t stop loving him.

But now that Tzuyu had entrusted all of her shares to Taehyung, could they ever break up? Just how far was her brother going to take this?

Taehyung would never stop with President Min’s incarceration. He was going to reveal all of his wickedness. Eventually, he was going to let the world know about what had happened to their mother. He was going to drag everyone involved into the streets.

Even though it was only right to reveal the dirty side of Korean authority, to Jungkook, this would be personal as it pertained to his father. Would he be able to handle it?

Lisa lifted her head and looked out the window. The sky above Seoul was turning incredibly blue with the season. The world was changing and moving along in a cycle, but Lisa felt as if she and Taehyung were unable to move forward. No, she felt as if they slowly breaking down.

Lisa suddenly stepped out of the sitting room and quickly began to walk towards Jungkook’s study. She hurriedly turned on the computer, and opened her computer program that she had hidden inside the cloud.

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