Chapter 6

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– We have decided to endure it for now.

3 days later, President Min called his daughter. Lisa’s hand trembled as she held the phone up to her ear.


The unusually heavy spring rain had stopped, and she could see the large, white birch tree standing outside her window. It looked like it was painted on canvas with a brush. The warm days had passed by, and the spring weather looked beautiful today. The wind already felt different.

– HyunJin made a deal.

Deal? What did this mean? When it came to money, her father-in-law only knew how to hold it close to his chest. R&K had dealt an unforgivable blow to HyunJin, so why did they offer up a deal? It didn’t make any sense.

“A deal?”

– They must have felt responsible for all this.

Felt responsible? What nonsense.


President Min lightly cut Lisa off.

– Wasn’t it your wedding anniversary not too long ago?

Lisa bit her lip. After her husband had said those unsettling words, she was feeling on edge. She looked down at the drawing she had been working on.

In a dark forest, a lost girl was looking up at the sky. She had been working on this drawing for 3 days. The branches were tangled like spiderwebs. Lisa felt the hidden monsters suffocating her.


Even though the branches were on the paper, she felt as if they were reaching out and strangling her. Crack. Would her neck make that sound when it finally broke?

– The gift that I sent Son-in-law Jeon will arrive there soon. Give it to him properly and make sure he’s not disappointed.

Lisa clenched the hand that was holding her cellphone. She couldn’t believe that her plan hadn’t worked.

“…I understand.”

– Another thing.

Even though Lisa wanted to hang up the phone, it looked like she couldn’t just yet.

– Isn’t it about time we have a grandchild from you?


Lisa was so shocked that she lowered her phone and looked at it.


– I trust you to get it done.

I trust you.

With only those words, the call ended. She blankly looked down at her phone and pressed her lips together. A child from her and Jungkook? What nonsense was this? Up till now, Jungkook had never forgotten to put on a condom.

Lisa was also taking measures. Every 3 months, she took a contraceptive shot. She still had two months left before the dose wore off. She wouldn’t be able to have a child within that time.

So HyunJin had made a deal. What did that mean? She pressed the pager and got up from her seat. She couldn’t leave things like this.

“Did you call for me?”

With a strange look on her face, Secretary Kim received the call and hurried over. Lisa walked into her closet and took out a thin coat before putting it on.

“I need to go out.”

“Where are you going?”

To the department store. What should she buy there?

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