7 Confessions

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Needless to say, I didn't notice much of the rest of the show. My whole thinking was still revolving around what had actually happened here tonight and what would yet happen.

The time did not seem to want to pass at all. Each time I took an impatient look at the clock, only 2 minutes had passed by. It was driving me crazy. Even though I didn't know what to expect, I could hardly wait.

Kyle's words 'I haven't been able to get you out of my head since I first saw you in the audience' kept running through my head. Although I couldn't believe it, he seemed to have experienced the same thing as me. 

Finally, the show was over. Before I could think much about what I should do now, a tall, intimidating-looking man suddenly stood in front of me. I had to swallow, despite the fact that I knew I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Miss L/N? Mr. O'Reilly asked me to escort you backstage," he said in a low voice.

"Oh okay." I said.

"Call me tomorrow Y/N. I want details!" said BF/N to me. Curiosity gleamed in her big eyes.

"If it's okay with you, I'll lift you over the barricade, Miss L/N. It's the fastest way and we need to hurry before the Dark Matches start." The big man said to me.

"I guess that's ok." I replied and immediately he just lifted me up with his big hands. After putting me back on my feet, he indicated that I should follow him.

It was not long before he stopped in front of a door and knocked. At that moment my heart began to beat faster and I felt my hands start to sweat.

Then the door opened and there was none other than Kyle himself. Freshly showered and in casual clothes. Jeans and T-shirt and yet he looked incredibly good.

"Thank you, Frank," Kyle said, addressing the other man. Then he stepped aside and let me enter.

"Thank you for staying, Y/N. I hope my action earlier didn't seem awkward." spoke Kyle.

He seemed pretty nervous himself and that helped me calm my own nerves a bit.

"It's totally fine. Even though I don't understand why me of all people." I replied, feeling the heat rise to my face again.

"Like I said, I just couldn't forget you. All it took was one look at your face. And when you smiled when our eyes met... I don't know, but then I was instantly hooked. I'm really glad you were back in the audience tonight, because I've been looking out for you ever since the first night. It was starting to drive me crazy," he told me.

"And I know how crazy that must sound to you. After all, I'm a stranger to you. But I just... I just can't get you out of my head." he confessed, then took a deep breath.

"I really hope you don't get in trouble. You know, for asking me out in front of an audience and rolling cameras." I said worriedly.

"I'm not going to get in trouble. The fans loved it and that's always the most important thing. Please don't worry about that." he assured me.

"That's good. I don't want to get you in trouble. I'm not going to lie, it was really cute." i replied.

"So... do you still want to go out with me or have you changed your mind in the meantime?" Kyle wanted to know.

"The answer is still the same, Mr. O'Reilly. Because, I have to admit, I couldn't get you out of my head either. I kept trying to tell myself that it was just a coincidence and that I wasn't meant, but I guess that was unnecessary." I said laughing. Kyle started laughing as well.

I had no idea why we were telling each other these things. After all, we were only two strangers. Nevertheless, it was incredibly easy to talk to him. He managed to make me forget everything else around me with a single look into my eyes.

Together we sat down on a sofa in the corner of the room and talked. About everything that came to mind. After a while I noticed that it was getting late.

"I should really go now. It's late and I have to work tomorrow," I said, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do at the moment.

I stood up and walked towards the door and Kyle followed me. I was already holding the door handle when he stopped me.

"Y/N wait! I need your phone number!" he gasped.

"Oh my gosh. I totally forgot about that. Give me your phone, Kyle." I quickly replied. I couldn't believe we had almost forgotten. Kyle unlocked his phone and handed it to me. I quickly typed in my number and handed it back to him.

"Thanks. That would have been really embarrassing if we had lost sight of each other again," he replied. Before I could say anything, the phone in my pocket rang.

"Great. It works." he grinned.

"Yes it does. Were you afraid I gave you a wrong number?" I wanted to know.

"Maybe." Kyle replied.

"I should really get going. Will you call me?" i asked.

"You bet I will!" he promised enthusiastically.

He came to me to hug me. I was only too happy to return the gesture. Already it felt so familiar. His scent was definitely something my memory would not let me forget.

When we released each other from the embrace, we just looked into each other's eyes. Actually, this moment should have been awkward, but it was not. On the contrary. The air was charged with tension. At the same time we closed our eyes and leaned forward.

Just before our lips could meet, the door opened behind us. Startled, we both took a step back.

"Hey Kyle. You're still here? Oh is that her?" asked the man who just walked into the room.

"Oh hey Adam. I was just about to leave. May I introduce. Y/N , this is Adam Cole. Adam, this is Y/N L/N." replied Kyle, obviously annoyed.

"Hi Adam. Call me, Kyle. Good night." I said quickly and was about to leave the room when I remembered something else.

"Kyle, I still have your shirt from earlier." I said as I reached into my purse to pull it out. Kyle's hand placed itself on mine and stopped me.

"Keep it!" he said.

"Are you sure?" I wanted to know.

"Yes, I'm sure. Good night, Y/N. Til tomorrow." he replied. This time it was him who pressed a kiss to my cheek.

What a crazy night this had been. I could hardly believe that this had all really happened. I was pretty sure that sleeping would be difficult tonight. But maybe the smell of Kyle's shirt would help me.

Can't forget you [a Kyle O'Reilly story]Where stories live. Discover now