22 Excuses

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Kyle and I, we both knew it would be hard as hell to keep my pregnancy to ourselves for so long. But we had no idea that it would be so fucking hard. We would have loved to share it with our families and friends right away.

But on the other hand, it was very nice to have this sweet little secret to ourselves for a while. And I couldn't deny that I was a little worried that something might happen to the baby. With each week, even what with each day that passed, I relaxed a little more.

In the first few weeks we managed very well to have suitable excuses for why I could not do this or that. For example, why I didn't accompany Kyle to training or why I wasn't able to attend a meeting. Why we didn't have time to go out with the others.

From time to time I had the feeling that one or the other was a little suspicious, but so far no one had said anything. So the first four weeks of bed rest passed. During the first two weeks we said that I had twisted my ankle during training. Since I was quite clumsy and such things had already happened to me several times, this reason was very believable.

Then the next two weeks I made excuses by saying I had the flu. The timing couldn't have been better, because it was the time when morning sickness really hit me. It's funny how these things work out sometimes. Although the nausea was not funny at all and I would have been happy to do without it. 

Kyle was an absolute sweetheart the whole time and didn't let me lift a finger. I was very grateful to him and more than appreciated it, but I thought he was going a little overboard. I had to explain to him that it was fine for me to go to the kitchen to get something to eat or drink. Because if he was not at home, I had to do it anyway.

In addition, I could not lie in bed and sleep all day. I could rest just as well on the couch in the living room or at my desk. As long as I felt comfortable and didn't overdo it, everything was fine. At least it was for me. But Kyle made a special call to the doctor to confirm that I didn't need to be restrained to bed. It was just important that I didn't do anything exhausting or stressful.

After my second appointment with the doctor, we were both breathing a little easier. Everything was fine and the baby was developing very well. This time we were finally able to hear the heartbeat of our little bean and it was the most magical thing I had ever experienced. Tears of joy and relief ran freely down my face and Kyle couldn't hold back his tears either. Without saying a word, he leaned down and gave me a loving kiss and then gently stroked my forehead.

It were moments like these that I would certainly not forget for the rest of my life. And I was sure that Kyle felt the same way.

The next four weeks it was much more difficult to find an excuse. It were now the small things with which we made excuses. For example, that I was working on an important article or that we had an appointment for the wedding or that something was going on with the dogs or that something needed to be done to the house.

It wasn't nice to fool all the people who were important to us, but thankfully we were very close to being able to tell everyone. 

We had decided that we would really wait until our wedding day to tell everyone. Then everyone we wanted to tell would be there and it would make the moment very special. For us, it just meant that we had to be quiet for one more week. But honestly, what was one more week when we had already managed to keep it to ourselves for eight weeks.

And as Kyle said, our timing was perfect once again. We had decided to get married on the anniversary of his mother's passing. This way we wanted to include her and at the same time make this sad day a beautiful and happy one. And it made it even more special considering that Kyle's family would also hear our news that day.

As we lay cuddled together in bed and I listened to Kyle's slow and steady breathing while his hand rested protectively on my belly, I thought about how I couldn't wait to spend my life with this gorgeous man.

With a man I never thought I would find and pregnant with his baby. A baby I thought I would never have.

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