Chapter 15 the new student

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A week later

Keith's POV: It's been a week sense Lance and I officially started dating nothing has really changed, but one thing did I haven't seen James ever since lance kicked him in the face. But I mean hey less trouble for me hehe.

"Hey Keith" said Lance "oh hey Lance what's up" I asked "did you hear we have a new transfer student" he said with a smile. "Oh really that's great" I said with excitement "Yeah I wonder if it's a cute girl" he said tapping his chin.

I just looked at with a death stare then growled at him "HAHAHA I'm just kidding you know I only have eyes for you" he said rubbing my head. "You're a real pain in the ass you know that" I said with a snarl. "Ahahaha" he laughed.

I just smiled at him he was so cute.

Lance's POV: I walked into school and I heard people whispering something. I just ignored it but then I heard someone say "hey do you think the transfer student is a boy or a girl". I got excited I love meeting knew people and making friends.

I found Keith and told him the news that we were getting a new student "oh really that's great" he said with excitement. "I wonder if it's a cute girl" I said tapping my chin Keith got mad at me and growled but I just laughed and rubbed his head.

Keith's POV: Lance and I went to our first period which was science Mrs. Allura our teacher was standing in the front of the class talking with another student "they must be the new transfer student" I thought to myself.

The bell rang and we all were sitting at are desks "Hello class this is our new transfer student he just moved here from Chicago, please make him feel welcome" said Mrs. Allura. The guy was tall and I mean TALL at least 6ft, he was slim but he had muscles, his hair was super long and it was white as snow, he had very fair skin but had a small tan, his eyes were purple like mine I had never seen someone with the same eyes as me.

"Hello everyone it's a pleasure to meet you all my name is Imperial Sincline but you can just call me Lotor" he said with a smile.

Lance's POV: We walked into class and Mrs. Allura was in the front of the class talking with another student. I looked at him it was the same guy that I had bumped into last week I knew it was him because of his hair.

After we sat down he introduced himself to all of us he had a super long name I think it was infernal Silence or something like that I don't know. But then we made eye contact I don't know what it was but his stare sent chill down my spine. I didn't like him I didn't get good vibes from this guy. I turned around to talk to Keith but only to see he was smiling at Lotor.

I looked at Keith then at Lotor then back at Keith "no way no no no there is no way that Keith likes this guy" I thought to myself. I mean I kinda don't blame him the guy looked like a walking L'Oreal commercial "Ok sense James isn't here today you can have his seat" said Mrs. Allura.

That was three seats behind Keith he walked over to us "ah so we meet again little Cuban" he said to me. "Wait lance you know him" said Keith "yeah we bumped into each other walking home last week" I said. "And who is this fine fellow right here" said Lotor picking up Keith's hand to kiss it I grew of rage and took Keith's had away from him.

"This is Keith MY boyfriend" I said Keith looked at me he was blushing like crazy.

Keith's POV: Lotor picked up my hand to kiss it but lance immediately snatched my hand away from him. "This is Keith MY boyfriend" he said with a sharp tone I was so embarrassed I was blushing so hard. "Oh I see my apologizes" said Lotor putting his hand to his chest "Yeah" said lance.

Lotor walked away and took my hand away from Lance "what is wrong with you" I whispered "what do you mean" he said confused. "He was just trying to be nice" I said with a growl "you call that being nice he was clearly trying to flirt with you" he said angrily.

"Maybe that's how they say hello were he's from" I said "I've been to Chicago and is NOT how they say hello" he said. Lance turned around I put my hand on his shoulder but he just brushed it off. I growled and got up and left.

Lance's POV: I was just jealous that's why I was acting the way I was. I didn't mean to fight with Keith, he put his hand on my shoulder but I brushed it off I heard him growl and he got up and left. I instantly got worried "KEITH WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING" Mrs. Allura yelled I raised my hand "Yes lance" she said "is it ok if I can go to the bathroom" I asked. "*Sigh* yes you may" she said "thank you miss" I said.

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