Chapter 13 WAKE UP

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Lance's POV: Keith and I were running through the forest it's was so beautiful. All of a sudden we heard a gun shot "what was that" Keith asked after shifting back into his human form. "I think that was a gun shot" I said "THE WEREWOLF IS RIGHT THERE SHOOT HIM" said a loud voice "Lance get on my back" said Keith. He transformed and I did not hesitate to get on.

I kept thinking to myself what is going on why are we be chased. All of a sudden I got tasered and fell on the floor. I couldn't move it was like I was paralyzed Keith was whimpering and tried to make me get up but it was no use. "THERE HE IS GET HIM" the loud voice said, Keith started to attack them. He was growling and barking at them trying to protect me.

I felt terrible that I couldn't do anything I wish I was a wolf too so I could help. A guy with long white hair came up behind Keith a tased him. "We finally got you werewolf or should I say Keith Kogane" said a man with long white hair. "LEAVE HIM ALONE" I yelled "oh I all most forgot about you don't worry you're next" he said I couldn't see his face but he had a symbol tattooed on his arm he lifted up a purple dagger and stabbed Keith. "NOOOO YOU MONSTER HOW COULD YOU" I cried "you know I think it's time you WAKE UP" he said.

I gasped of air my heart was racing I was sweating I was terrified. "Lance finally you're awake you were hav-" but before Keith could finish I grabbed him into a tight hug and cried "KETH THANK GOD IT FELT SO REAL" I sobbed. Without thinking I pulled Keith into a kiss and he gladly kissed back "Lance what happened in your dream" Keith asked. "I don't want to talk about it just promise me you'll never leave" I said.

"I promise lance" said Keith I Sighed and kissed him again but this one was full of love and want. It felt like we were the last people on earth it was nice. "*Pant* Lance" "yeah Keith" I pulled away from the kiss "I need clothes" said Keith I looked down and immediately looked back up "oh yeah we should fix that umm hehe" I said kinda awkwardly.

"I have my PE clothes you can barrow.. which I now realize are back at school" I said "hahaha" Keith laughed. "My brother is probably worried about me" said Keith "yeah same with my mom" I said rubbing my neck. Lance I have an idea here's your jacket back I turned around so I wouldn't look "Keith what are you doing" I asked. "Give me a sec" he said "ok I trust you" I said.

Keith started to grunt a lot I turned around to see what was wrong but he was in his wolf form. he stood in front of me and I knew what he was asking me to do I got on his back and held on tight. then he started sprinting though the woods all the way back to school it was awesome.

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