Chapter 20 The secrets out

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Keith's POV: After a few hours of training and transformations later we finally got to stop. "Keith you look exhausted we should stop" Lance said "ok" I say panting. "Yeah we can pick this up some other time" said Shiro "thank you for helping me Shiro" "anytime Keith I'm glad you're home" "I'll help Keith to his room Shiro" said Lance. "You got I'll be in my room if you need me ok"

We made it to my room Lance gently laid me down on my bed, I was so sore. "Keith are you ok" Lance asked in a concerned tone "yeah I'll be ok don't worry" I said with a smile. Lance got on top of me and started kissing me "L-L-Lance *pant* Lance wait" I sat up. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that you must be tired" "WAIT NO I-it's fine I was just caught of guard that's all". "Oh, so should I continue" Lance asked sliding his hand up to my face with a mysterious grin.

I pushed him down and got on top of him "what do you think" I asked as I was pulled into a kiss. Lance opened his mouth to let my tongue inside, our tongues fought for dominance I eventually won and bit his lip. "*pant* Keith" he said I started kissing up and down his neck; lance wrapped his legs around my waist and I started thrusting. Our parts rubbing together through our pants "ngh~ Keith" "ah~ Lance" we moaned "this feels amazing" Lance said through pants "y-yeah it does" I responded. I pulled him in close and lifted him up so now he was on my lap grinding on me. He smiled and I smiled back.

Lance's POV: Keith and I were grinding on each other and I was enjoying every moment of it, it felt so good but all I could think was *I've done this with girls before why does this feel so different and better*.

"I love you Lance" Keith said "I love you too Keith" I said, I pulled Keith into a tight hug burying my face in his shoulder. I started moving my hips faster we were panting and moaning like crazy.

I heard a growl come from Keith I picked my head up from his shoulder his eyes were yellow god I love it when his eyes change when we do stuff like this. It lets me know he's feeling good I smiled at him and pulled him into a sloppy kiss. "Keith~ Keith I'm close ngha~" I moaned "gah~ me too" Keith said with a low tone he pulled me into one last kiss and we both finished together

Shiro's POV: little did Lance and Keith know I could hear them because you know werewolves have hyper hearing. good thing sound proof headphones and ear plugs are a thing am I right.

One month later

Keith's POV: I was walking down the school hallway listening to music and drawing a picture. I was leaning against my locker when someone lifted up my earphone "you come here to rock out" Lance said. I chuckled, took off my headphones and looked at him "good morning lance" "good morning Keith" lance leaned in for a kiss but I pushed him away. "What are you doing" I asked confused "oh I was going to kiss you" Lance said "lance I'm sorry but I'm not ready to be public yet I already get bullied as is I don't need anymore eyes on me" I said nervously.

"Oh ok no I... I get it" Lance said sadly I looked around to make sure no one was watching and I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. The way his face lit up was the cutest thing ever.

Ding Dong Ding

"Oh gotta get to class see ya" I watched Lance walk away when all of a sudden I was yanked by my shirt collar and thrown into a storage closet and slammed against the wall. "GAH WHAT THE HELL" I screamed the light turned on and I saw James but he didn't look ok he had dark circles and eye bags "JAMES ARE YOU KIDDING ME" I yelled "Shut your mouth SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH" he yelled back. "James are you ok you don't look to good" I asked concerned "I'm fine in fact I'm better then ever" he said with a creepy smile.

I hadn't seen James since I transformed in the woods "Do you remember that day after school when I was gonna kick your ass" "GEE how could I forget it was the best day of my life" "hmm good joke koGAYn" "Wow so effective it's not like you've been saying that since the 8th grade" "SHUT UP; I saw something that day after you were done screaming and crying I saw your eyes turn yellow".

I immediately started freaking out "W-what" I said confused "don't play dumb I know what I saw" James said angrily "it was probably the sun reflecting off of my eyes" I said thinking I was in the clear. "Keith... it was cloudy that day" James said in a low whisper "James you're insane that can't happen eyes don't just change color" he let go of me and started laughing. "you see that's what I thought but after your knight and shining armor whacked me in the head, hehe HAHA *sigh* I followed you" he said staring straight into my soul.

I was having a full blown panic attack at this point I didn't known what to do or what to say. "Yeah and after I followed you I saw you. Heh I SAW YOU TURN INTO THAT THING THAT... THAT MONSTER" James yelled. I socked him in the mouth and started running away I needed to tell Lance no I needed to tell Shiro he'll know what to do from the distance I heard James yell "YOUR SECRETS OUT KOGANE SOON EVERYONE WILL KNOW WHAT YOU TRULY ARE"

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