Chapter 29 Prom

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1 month until prom

3rd person POV: Everybody was excited for prom and every other person was being asked out to prom. Keith never really liked the idea of promposals he always thought they were lame and unnecessary. But also remember he never had a partner to ask him so maybe it was just jealousy but even so he never liked them.

Keith unlocked his locker and balloons and confetti came out with a note that said "PROM?" Keith just stared at the note both embarrassed and just a tiny bit happy knowing who it was from, because only one person knew his locker combination. "Do you have an answer" a voice asked but it wasn't Lance he turned around to see Lotor. "O-oh Lotor I uhhh" Keith blushed as he rubbed his neck "I-I'm flattered really I am but I'm already going with my boyfriend, I told you this" he said.

"Well it was still worth a shot" he walked over and kissed Keith's cheek. "Have fun at prom" he said before walking away, Keith grew with rage "Lotor knows I have a boyfriend, he knows I'm loyal to Lance, why would he pull something like this" he thought to himself. He brought his hand into a fist and punched the wall not knowing he left a dent he took a deep breath and walked away.

As Keith was walking in the hall way he was stopped by Lance. "Hey man you ok you're eyes are flashing" he said in concern, Keith shook his head and rubbed his eyes "I- I'm fine don't worry about it" he said in a angry tone trying to walk away, but Lance stopped him "wait I have something for you" he said with a smile pulling a card out of his backpack.

Keith stared at it then looked at Lance "come on take it" he insisted, Keith hesitated before taking the card and opening it. When he opened it glitter popped out he stood there with a blank stare thinking back to before, he realized it said "will you go to prom with me?" He smiled then laughed "do you like it" asked Lance "I love it" Keith said and without thinking kissed Lance.

Then it dawned on him he instantly pulled away in shock not knowing what to say or do. He began looking around hoping no one saw, as he looked around he realized that no one seemed to care. He smiled then kissed Lance again. "Of course I'll go with you" he said Lance hugged Keith and spun him, and they laughed together.

Day of prom

Lance's POV: I was putting my suit on then all of a sudden Pidge and Hunk busted open my door blasting a night to remember from high school musical while singing along to it. "JESUS CHRIST GUYS" I shouted "are you ready for the night of nights" they both sang and danced. "Bro I could've been naked" I said "meh there wouldn't have been much to see anyway." Pidge said while dancing.

I grabbed my pillow and hit them with it, "OW" they shouted "that did not hurt" I said annoyed
Hunk grabbed the pillow from me and started hitting me "HEY HAHAHA" I laughed "PAY BACK FOR HITTING MY PARTNER" he laughed.

15 minutes later

We finished getting ready and went to go get Keith from his house. I was so excited to see what he looked like with his suit on in person.

Keith's POV: I finished getting ready and waited for Lance to arrive.  "Have fun tonight I'm going to be at the Alten Café to take care of something ok" said Shiro as he put on his jacket. "Oh ok" I said HONK HONK "oh they're here gotta go" I grabbed my stuff and ran to the door "BYE SHIRO" I shouted.

I hopped into the back of the car and was greeted by Hunk and Pidge who were sitting in the front "hey emo boy" said Pidge from the passenger seat "Dude" hunk hit them "haha hey Pidge, hey Hunk" I chuckled. I looked over at Lance who was also in the back seat, I admired his outfit the tone of blue with a hint of sparkle fit him so well "you look like a Galaxy" I said with a soft smile.

He blushed "thank you, y-you look like a ray of sunlight" he responded "OK LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Hunk shouted and turned up the radio blasting music. "WOOO HOOOO" we all shouted.

3rd person's POV: They arrived at the dance and they all immediately started dancing and having fun. Doing karaoke, laughing, judging people's outfits, and just having a great time without a care in the world. Keith was kinda awkward considering he had no idea how to dance "babe come on let loose just dance." Said Lance "I don't know how" said Keith "come on it's not that hard" Lance grabbed Keith's hands and started moving them side to side, spinning him, and pulling him around eventually Keith got the hang of it.

"See that's it you got it" Lance smiled, Keith smiled back and continued to dance. Hunk and Pidge ran up to them "Guys they're going to announce prom king and queen in 30 minutes" said hunk. "Oh that's awesome" Lance said excitedly "we just went to vote really quick" said Pidge pointing at the vote box.

"Hey Lance can I talk to you for a second" Keith asked "yeah is everything ok" Lance asked in a concerned tone. "Yeah just follow me" Keith grabbed his hand and began to walk away, Hunk and Pidge looked at each other and in sync nodded and said "They're gonna go make out." "Wanna do the same" Hunk suggested Pidge shrugged "yeah sure let's go."

Keith and Lance were laughing as they ran through the hallways of the school "where are we going" Lance asked. Keith turned around and grabbed his hand pulling him playfully "somewhere we can be alone" he said "but we are alone" "somewhere we can be more alone" Keith said playfully.

Lance liked seeing this side of Keith he was confident and didn't care about being caught anymore. Keith pushed Lance against the lockers "this should be a good place to have some fun" he said as he played with Lance's tie. Lance fumbled for words to say. Relizing that nothing was coming to mind, he just decided to kiss him he and leaned in quickly to kiss him.

Keith immediately started kissing back, and cupped Lance's cheek while wrapping his other arm around Lance's waist and pulling him in closer. Lance squeaked slightly with surprise the hand cupped on Lance's cheek moved to the back of Lance's neck pulling him a little closer.

Lance subconcisoly brought his hands up to Keith's waist. Lance pulled Keith's hips closer and soon, Keith was grinding slowly agenst Lance. Lance pulled his head up to breathe, Lance breathing heavily, grinded up agenst Keith, needing friction. Keith moved his hand down to Lance's crotch started rubbing his erection slowly. Lance moaned out loudly Keith immediately covered his mouth they both made eye contact and started laughing. Lance pulled Keith close and wrapped one of his right leg and wrapped it around Keith.

Sadly their moment was put to a stop by security "HEY LOVE BIRDS YOU CAN DO THAT LATER GET OUT OF HERE!" The guard yelled shining her flashlight at them "sorry Miss" Keith raised his hand then they both walked back into the dance room.

When they walked back in Hunk and Pidge were laughing their asses off. "BAHAHAHA YOU GUYS GOT CUAGHT" Pidge was practically falling out of their chair from laughing so hard. Keith and Lance shook their heads "sorry dude *wheeze* I tried not to laugh" Hunk said through laughter.

"OK EVERYONE IT'S TIME TO ANNOUNCE PROM ROYALTY" a girl said in the microphone. "OH MY GOD FINALLY" Pidge said excitedly as they stood up "OK FIRST WINNER OF PROM ROYALTY IS... EZOR!!!!" The girl yelled and everyone cheered. Ezor is the school's wrestling captain and champion "NOW THE SECOND WINNER IS~... ZETHRID!!!! Everyone yelled and cheered Zethrid is the schools dance team captain and Ezor's girlfriend.

"HELL YEAH!!" Hunk and Pidge cheered jumping up and down hugging. Keith turned to Lance with tears in his eyes "Keith are you ok" Lance cupped his face, Keith held his hands "yeah I'm just so happy" he cried. They put their foreheads together and smiled at each other.

Keith's POV: I have never been so happy everything was perfect "EXCUSE ME, HELLO EVERYONE EYES UP HERE ON ME" I heard Jame's voice on the microphone. I turned and looked at him "uhh who the hell is that" Pidge asked Lance confused, Lance grabbed my hand and we looked at each other with worry.

"SORRY TO RUIN YOUR GUYS MOMENT BUT I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE" James looked at me dead in the eyes, and Instantly knew what he was going to do.

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