Chapter 27: Surprise

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James's POV: I ran into my room and began writing an email to the Galra (werewolf hunters).


James: Here's the video you wanted now what do you want me to do?

???: Perfect! A buddy of mine will send you some wolfs bane this will  help to  trigger a transformation. Carry it with you at all times and wait for further instructions.

James: Perfect thank you sir I promise I wont disappoint you.

???: I sure hope so.

James: Oh but sir when you find Keith you wont hurt him will you?

???: You don't have to worry about that James as long as everything goes according to plan violence wont be necessary.

James: Ok sir.

Lances POV: "IDIOT, IDIOT SO STUPID WHAT WAS I THINKING GOD DAMN IT" I shouted as I opened the door to my house "SURPRISE"  I looked up and saw my two best friends Hunk and Pidge "HOLY FUCK" "LENGUA LANCE" my mom shouted at me "lo siento mamá" I apologized.

"BRO WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE" I hugged both of them. "Well we missed you and since your school is almost over we thought we'd come and vist you for summer." Pidge explained "dude you have no idea how much I needed this holy" I rubbed my face and hugged them both again.

"OH MY GOSH WAIT YOU GUYS HAVE TO MEET KEITH" "OH MY GOSH YES WE NEED TO ME HIM" Hunk said excited. "YES LETS MEET YOUR BOY-" I covered pidge's mouth as quick as I could "HEYYYY let's talk more in my room."

We went up to my room after I shut the door I sighed with relief "so I'm guessing your mom doesn't know you and Keith are dating" said Pidge. "Look she's chill with you being non-binary and Hunk being Pansexual but if it's her own kid who knows how she'll react" I said. "Hey man it's ok if you're not ready to tell her I know it can be scary, it took me a while to come out to my parents" said Pidge. "same here" Hunk raised his hand.

"Man I'm so lucky to have you guys as my best friends" "yep and you can't get rid of us" Hunk got me in a head lock and pidge jumped on my back. "NOT EVEN IF YOU TRIED" Pidge yelled we all started laughing then I heard Keith knock at my window, I knew it was him because I mean who else would it be. "Oh my gosh perfect timing" I broke free from the head lock and pidge jumped down I went and opened my window. "Hey what are you doing here" I asked "well I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to our special spot later to tonight but~ you look busy" Keith looked over my shoulder.

"Please come in I want you to meet them" I offered my hand to Keith to help him inside "Keith, this is Hunk and Pidge they're my best friends from New York." "Oh my gosh hi it's so nice to finally meet you guys lance talked about you all time when we first met." Keith said happily.

Keith's POV: I was super excited to meet Lance's best friends in person I had only seen photos of them. "It's so nice to meet you too Keith" said Hunk with a big smile and then gave me a hug "WAIT HUNK KEITH DOESNT LIKE HUGS" lance shouted. But it was to late Hunk already had me in a tight bear hug, usually I only take hugs from Lance and Shiro but Hunk's hug was nice. Lance made Hunk let go of the hug "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable" said Hunk in a awkward tone. "No it's ok I get it you're a hugger just maybe warn me next time" "yes of course again I'm sorry." " Hey man it's all good now you know" Pidge then pushed Hunk out of the way "Ok, ok, ok my turn hi I'm Pidge." They held out their hand "nice to meet" I said as I shook their hand.

"Now let's get into the good stuff how did you guys meet" Pidge asked with a grin, lance rubbed his neck "oh well it a funny story-"  " I was getting my ass kicked in the middle of the school hallway by a guy named James, and lance was the only decent person that did something to help me instead of just standing and watching"  I explained. Hunk and Pidge went silent and lance just stared at me "what it's true" lance put his face in his hand, I could see he was embarrassed and I immediately felt bad.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you that I just" "Keith it's ok we just weren't expecting that" Hunk said with a nervous smile. "I'm just gonna go I can see that you're uncomfortable" "no Keith stay I wanna keep chatting with you" Pidge clinged onto my arm. "Yeah let's order some takeout, play video games and chat some more" Hunk suggested, I looked over at lance to see if he was ok with it. "Yeah just like the good old days" he said with a smile. I smiled "yeah let's do it" I agreed.

Lance's POV: I was so glad that Keith was having a good time and that Hunk and Pidge liked him as well I couldn't be happier. "OMG I JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA" Pidge shouted with a mouth full of pizza "what's up Pidge" I asked. "You're prom is coming right; all four of us should go together" "YES WE SHOULD" Hunk agreed "yeah I'm so down you guys will have to buy tickets at the door but other then that I'm all for it." "I can't go" Keith said in a sad tone "WHAT" all three of us shouted "why not" I asked "I have.. plans" "WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THEN YOUR SENIOR PROM!!!" Pidge shouted

"I JUST HAVE PLANS ALRIGHT SO JUST DROP IT" Keith snapped the room went silent "I am so sorry I- I didn't mean to- I'm sorry I need the bathroom" Keith left. "Hunk, Pidge I'm so sorry he's usually not like this let me talk to him" I said as I went after Keith. I knocked on the bathroom door "Keith it's me please let me in" Keith unlocked the door but when he opened it he was crying.

"Keith what's wrong" I held his face "I'm sorry that I snapped at your friend" "hey it's ok just tell me what's bugging you." I wiped his tears "the day of prom is a full moon night and I'm not good at controlling myself under a full moon yet. "Well prom is 2 months away we have time to figure it out ok" I smiled at him "ok" he smiled back.

I went in and kissed him "Lance Charles McCalin" I heard my moms voice shout and instantly started panicking. "Mamá p-please let me explain I-" "Shh shh stop talking" she said I started to get teary eyed I felt Keith hold my hand as she walked over to me. She looked at me and then gave me the biggest hug ever when she pulled away from the hug she was crying. "Mamá que pasa" "nothing mijo, I just want you to know that I love you so, so much and that will never change. No matter what gender you are, what pronouns you go by, and what your sexuality is you will always be my baby you got that."

I started crying and hugged her so tight "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I sobbed I felt her and Keith rubbing my back. "Baby it's ok you weren't ready to tell me it's ok" she pulled away and wiped my tears but then she pinched my arm. "AY para que fue eso" I shouted "keep your door open from now on" she pointed at me before walking away.

"Two surprises in one day who would've thought" Keith and I laughed.

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