Chapter 14 Who's the new guy

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Lance POV: As Keith and I were running through the woods I couldn't stop thinking about my dream that I had. It felt so real to real but the symbol on the blade it was bothering me. All of a sudden Keith stopped running "Keith what is it" I looked up and realized we were back at school. I got off of Keith's back and he transformed back into a human.

I gave Keith my clothes and he put them on. They were kind of big on him it was cute. "Well I'm gonna go home now see ya later" I said waving goodbye "oh bye I guess" said Keith also waving goodbye. I left and went back to my house as I was walking home I bumped into a guy and made him drop his bag. "Oh I'm sorry" I said "no it's my fault I wasn't looking were I was going" said the guy.

I picked up his bag and gave it to him I looked at the guy and he looked very familiar but I didn't know where I had seen him before. "Well I best be on my way now goodbye" he said with a smile "Goodbye" I said while waving. Who's the knew guy I thought to my self. I just continued walking home but then I thought about how much trouble I'm gonna be in when I get home.

I opened the front door and there she was my mom. "Hola mama" I said waving very scared "DONDE HAS ESTADO YO LLAMADO VARIAS VECES" she yelled. I knew it was serious since she was yelling at me in Spanish "estaba con Keith" I replied "CON KEITH" she yelled. "Llamé a su hermano y me dijo que no había visto a Keith desde que se fue a la escuela" she said.

"I said I was with Keith I didn't say where" I said she gave me the death stare and slowly took off her chancla. I knew I was busted I ran as fast as I could to my room and slammed the door "COMO TE ATREVES A MENTIRME" she yelled. "LO SIENTO Ok" I yelled then I heard her walk away I put my face in my hands as I slid to the floor. I looked up at the ceiling and just smiled I was so happy that I got to see Keith again.

Keith's POV: I got home and I knew Shiro was waiting for me. I walked in and was immediately slammed against the wall "WHERE IN THE WORLD WERE YOU!!" Shiro yelled "I-I-I" I stuttered Shiro started to sniff the air and looked at me up and down and saw I was wearing lance's clothes . "You have got to be kidding me YOU WERE WITH LANCE" he threw me to the floor.

I looked up at him he was practically almost full wolf at this point eyes, teeth, claws, and pointed ears. "Shiro I'm sorry it just happened" I said with tears in my eyes "IT DIDNT JUST HAPPEN WHY WERE YOU WITH HIM" he yelled. "I WAS TRANSFORMING I HAD NO CHOICE" I yelled "THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE HE COULD GIVE AWAY OUR SECRET" he yelled.  I transformed my eyes and teeth "LANCE WOULD NEVER TELL ANYONE HE PROMISED ME HE WOULDN'T" I growled.

"Keith I told you to STAY AWAY from lance" said Shiro. I sat on the floor and put my head between my knees "No I can't do that" I said. "Pack your things Keith we're leaving" he said "WHAT WHY" I yelled. "Now that lance knows what we are we can't stay here we have to leave now" he said "NO IM NOT LEAVING" I said furiously."Keith I'm not going to ask you again pack your things and get in the truck" he said with a low growl I got up my eyes still yellow and looked him dead in the eyes and said no. 

Shiro flashed his eyes at me "truck now" he said I looked down at the floor "how many time do I have to say it NO" I yelled. "KEITH IM DOING THIS FOR OUR SAFETY" he yelled "WELL I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP" I yelled. Shiro grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the towards the door I kept fighting him but his grip was to strong. So I let out my fangs and bit him "GAAH YOU BITCH" he yelled then he clawed me in the face. "GRAAAH" I fell to the floor holding my face "KEITH... KEITH OH MY GOD I'm so sorry I don't know why I did tha-" before he could finish I punched him in the face and ran out the door.

I didn't know where else to go so I ran to lance's house. My face was hurting like crazy but I made it to lance's house I didn't want to knock on the door because what if his mom answered. And saw me covered in blood no way, so I climbed on to the roof to lance's room window.

Lance's POV: I heard a banging on my window I flinched but I saw that it was Keith he had blood all over his face and hand. "LANCE LANCE LET ME IN QUICK" he said while crying I ran and quickly opened my window. Keith jumped in and hugged me "Keith oh my god what happened" I said very scared "Lance I- I" he started sobbing. "stay here I'll get the first aid kit" I said. I ran to the bathroom grabbed the first aid kit and ran back to my room.

I didn't even close the door I grabbed some rubbing alcohol and cleaned his wound he growled at me and I immediately put my hand over his mouth. "Shh my mom is here" I said he nodded and I continued to help his wound it looked like claw marks almost. I finished putting a bandage on his face and sighed Keith what in the world hap-" but I was cut off by Keith pulling me into a kiss.

Keith pulled away "Lance all I need is you please, please don't leave me" he said looking at the ground crying. I don't know what happened but all I know is that Keith really needs me right now. I pulled Keith into a kiss and he gladly kissed back I crawled on top of Keith and put more passion into the kiss. "Hey lance mom wants to talk to yo- WHAT THE HELL" a voice yelled Keith and I pulled away from the kiss and I looked over to see who it was. Of all people it was my sister Veronica I immediately got up and pulled her into my room and shut the door.

"Veronica please I beg of you please don't tell mom I'll do anything you want just please do NOT tell mom" I said holding her by her shoulders. She looked over at Keith then looked at me "why" she said My eyes filled with tears as I gripped her arms tighter. "Because I love him and I don't want to lose him" I started crying "I meant why didn't you tell me that you had a super cute boyfriend" she said happily.

"Wait what" I said looking up at her then at Keith "lance I'm going to be honest with you I knew" she said. "WHAT" Keith and I shouted "well I knew you had a secret" she said "Lance it's ok I'm not mad I'm not upset I'm happy for you" she said putting her hand on my face. I gave her the biggest hug and thanked her so many times.

Keith's POV: Hearing lance say those words and his sister excepting him was like being able to breathe again. I couldn't believe that he actually loved me and his sister was ok with it I started crying as well. Lance and Veronica pulled away from their hug and she looked at me "Ah so you're a little trouble maker I see" she said touching my bandage.

"what oh no I'm just clumsy" I said nervously she raised one eyebrow and smirked at me and looked back at lance. "Yep he's a keeper good job lance I'm jealous" she said patting him on the shoulder "well lance mom wants to talk to you by the way" she said. "Oh right be right back Keith" said lance "ok" I said with a smile.

Sorry that I've been gone so long school really sucks right now😫😫😫

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