Chapter 3, Whats wrong

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Keith's POV: Lance and I have been hanging out for two months now and we've built a strong friendship. These past two months I've realized that I actually liked lance we would always hang out on full moon nights. I don't know why but ever scene I could remember I always loved full moons I would always get this energy from them it was weird.

My 17th birthday was coming up and I was excited because my brother Shiro told me when I was 5 he was going to tell me our family secret. I always wondered what it was but lately I've been acting really weird. I've been getting these bad headaches, I'm nauseous, my gums are killing me, and my nails feel like they're going to rip off.

It was the day before my birthday and I was getting worse I could hear and smell things a mile away. My head started to fill up with all the noises that I could hear my head felt like it was going to explode. I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and it was lance "Keith are you ok you look like you're gonna pass out" lance asked.

I started to calm down but then the bell rung my ears felt like they were bleeding I grabbed my ears and fell to the floor. Lance caught me when I fell I was on the ground screaming lance kept asking what was wrong but I passed out before I could answer him. When I woke up I was in my bed thinking it was a dream but lance was sitting in a chair next to me.

"L-lance" I stuttered "KEITH OH MY GOD YOU'RE OK" lance yelled while he gave me a big hug "what happened" I asked. "Honestly I don't know you just started screaming then you passed out" he said  "how long was I out" I asked trying to sit up but failed. "8 hours" said lance handing me a glass of water "WHAT" I said sitting up but immediately falling back down "woah take it easy there Keith" he said .

I grabbed the water and chugged it, it felt like I hadn't had water in weeks. " 8 hours damn I missed school" I said wiping water off my chin. "Yep and so did I" said lance "wait what" I said really confused "I told the people in the office that you passed out and that you needed to go home and they let me go with you" he said. 

"You missed school for me lance" I said really happy "yes of corse you're my best friend Keith" he said I sat up slowly this time and gave him a big hug. Shiro walked in the room and said that lance's mom wanted him home "oh ok bye Keith get better soon" said lance then he left. Shiro shut the door to my room and sat in the chair that lance was sitting in "so what happened Keith" Shiro asked.

"I don't know everything was so loud like I could here every thing" I said "does this sound bother you" He asked as he pulled out a whistle and blew it. Once he blew the whistle there was a loud high pitch noise I grabbed my ears and told him to stop. "Keith this is a dog whistle" he said "WHAT no way how did I hear that" I asked really confused "you know how I told you our family has a secret" he said very nervous. "Yeah" I said "I think it's time I tell you" he said.

Lance's POV: I walked into school like a normal day I looked up from my phone and I saw Keith. He was spinning in circles like he was crazy he was also very sweaty I went up to him to ask if he was ok. I tapped him on the shoulder when he turned around it was almost like there was terror in his eyes. I tried to clam him down then the bell rung and Keith lost it he fell to the floor screaming and holding his ears.

I kept asking what was wrong but he passed out I picked him bridle style and ran to the office. I told them to call his brother to pick us up Shiro rushed in grabbed Keith and ran to the car. He layed him down in the back seat I got in the back with Keith and put his head on my lap.

When we made it to his house Shiro told me to get a cold wet rag and a glass of water I got the stuff and ran up stairs to Keith's room. I gave Shiro the rag and he put it on Keith's head "stay here I'm gonna go to the store to get some medicine" said Shiro "ok" I said.

When he left I sat down next to Keith "please be ok Keith" I said then I held his hand for a while when Shiro came back he gave me the medicine and told me he had to go to work. I stayed with Keith and I think I fell asleep because when I woke up it had been an hour since Keith passed out. I looked at my phone for a while and I took bathroom breaks then around 2:00 o'clock was going to head home because Shiro had come back.

L-lance I heard I looked up and Keith was awake I was so happy that he was ok I gave him the biggest hug. we hung out for a bit but I had to go home I said bye to Keith and I left. I didn't care if I missed school I was just so happy that Keith was going to be ok.

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