Chapter 19 Training

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Lance's POV: Shiro gave Keith big hug and then looked over at me. He let go of keith and started walking over to me I immediately put my guard up just in case. He stoped right in front of me and put his hand out "it's nice to finally meet you Lance I'm Shiro" he said. I hesitantly shook his hand "n-nice to meet you too" "Keith never shuts up about you" "oh really" I looked over at Keith, Keith was trying to hide his blush behind his hand but I could see it.

"Well Keith never shuts up about you ether" we both chuckled.

Time pass*

"Ok Keith so from what you have told me it seems like the main reason you transform is from stress" said Shiro "really" Keith said surprised "yes, but also anger so I'm going to show you some breathing techniques that usually help me ok" "got it". As Keith and Shiro were talking I was just sitting and listening and making sure to put notes in my phone just to be safe.

I started to doze off but then Shiro said he needed me for something. We went down to the basement and there were claw scratches all over the walls and floor. "Lance since you're Keith's boyfriend you're going to be his anchor" "uhhh his what" I said with confusion "basically you're going to be what stops him from transforming" Shiro explained "oh". "Ok Keith come here" "ok" Keith walked over to Shiro but then Shiro smacked him. I immediately ran to Keith's side "Shiro what's wrong with you" I yelled "oh right lance you weren't here when I explained this to Keith. So I'm going to do things to make him mad but he has to think about you and do the breathing techniques I showed him".

"Shiro a warning next time" Keith asked with an angry tone "yeah sorry that's my bad"

Keith's POV: I was happy to see that Shiro and lance were getting along. "So Keith tell me what normally happens before you transform" Shiro asked " well normally Griffin gets on my nerves but he hasn't come to school for a while, but lately I've been nervous and scared that something bad is going to happen." I say "Ok Keith so from what you have told me it seems like the main reason you transform is from stress" "really"?! "yes, but also anger so I'm going to show you some breathing techniques that usually help me ok" "got it".

Shiro showed me a lot of different breathing techniques and how to take deep breaths when I'm scared. But the one that helped me the most was a mantra, it was called three things that could not long be hidden all I had to do was say the sun, the moon, the truth and that was it. "I'll be right back I'm going to get lance you're going to need his help with this next thing" said Shiro "oh what are we going to do" I asked. "I'm going to do something's to make you mad and all I need you to do is think about Lance nothing else got it" "o-ok".

I looked around the room there were claw marks on the walls and on the floor, probably from when Shiro first transformed. I slid my hand across the wall but when I touched the marks I could feel the fear but also anger. I touched another one; rage, another sadness/guilt all the marks had different emotions to them I touched the ones on the floor and I felt so much anger and rage I almost transformed right then and there.

But then I heard Shiro and lance coming down the stairs I quickly acted like everything was fine. "Lance since you're Keith's boyfriend you're going to be his anchor"said Shiro"uhhh his what" lance said with confusion "basically you're going to be what stops him from transforming"  "oh". "Ok Keith come here" "ok" I walked over to Shiro but then Shiro smacked me across the face. Lance immediately ran to my side "Shiro what's wrong with you" He yelled "oh right lance you weren't here when I explained this to Keith. While Shiro was explaining to Lance I was filling with rage. "why would he do that to me let's see how he likes it when I claw his face like he did to me" I thought to myself but then I remembered that I needed to breathe.

I took a few deep breaths until I felt calm enough to talk. I lifted my head up and looked at Shiro "Shiro maybe give me a warning next time" I said with a low growl. I could see in his eyes that he knew he messed up. "Yeah right that's my bad sorry". I was trying so hard not to transform but right as I was about to lose control I heard Lance's voice "hey are you ok" he asked as he held my face. Suddenly everything was ok I wasn't angry anymore. I held his hand and looked at him "yes I'm ok" "good" lance gave me a hug. I loved his hugs they were tight but also gentle and warm, they always make me feel safe.

"Ok Keith you can do this just think of me and you at our special place ok" lance smiled I smiled back "ok" I said I walked over to Shiro "ok I'm ready" "you sure we can do this again a different time" said Shiro "no it's ok I can handle it this time" I said *sigh* "ok I'm going to hit you now ok" I took a big deep breath and started thinking about Lance and I at our cliff "ok I'm ready".

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