Chapter 31, It's gonna be ok

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Lance's POV: "ce... ance... LANCE WAKE UP" I heard Shiro yell, I gasped for air "COUGH, COUGH, COUGH" Shiro helped me sit up. He gripped my shoulders and pulled me close "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" he yelled, his eyes were yellow and his fangs were out. "I TRIED OKAY I REALLY DID" I yelled back "WELL CLEARLY NOT HARD ENOUGH" he stood up.

I tucked my head in my knees and sighed. "Shiro I tried my best to protect him I really did" I stood up. He put his hands on his hips "I know, I know" he took a deep breath "where did he go" he asked "I-... *sigh* I don't know I got knocked out before I could figure out where." I said, Shiro punched a tree knocking it down "you said you would do anything to help Keith right." Shiro started walking towards me "y-yeah anything" I stuttered he grabbed my arm, pulled to his face, and lifted my sleeve up.

"It's a full moon it'll heal quickly if it works" he said before biting my arm "GAAAAHHHHH" I screamed. I fell to my knees gripping my arm it burned and was bleeding like crazy. "Let me see" Shiro grabbed my wrist and pulled it close I winced and started panting. I looked at my arm and watched as it healed right before my eyes. I gasped and felt immense pain shoot through my body. "AAAAAHHHHHH" I screamed Shiro sat down on his knees in front of me "ok Lance listen, listen to me you're going to change soon; ok and when you do I'll be here to help you" he said. I looked at him with tears in my eyes "a warning would have been nic- GAAHAAA" it felt like my body was being ripped apart from the inside out.

I wanted it to stop I hurt so much I couldn't believe Keith had to go through this all the time. "MAKE IT STOP" I cried "Don't fight it Lance just let it happen" said Shiro I let out a blood curdling scream before I fully transformed. There was a loud ringing in my ears and I heard a muffled "Lance, Lance can you hear me" I heard Shiro. I shook my head and went to attack Shiro but he held up Keith's jacket that he always wore. I stopped and then I remembered everything "Lance I need you to follow me and find Keith can you do that" he asked.

I nodded my head "ok let's do this" he said before shifting into his wolf form. He began running and I followed right behind him as we were running he hollowed and then I heard other wolves howling. But then I heard Keith's howl I picked up the pace and followed his sound and sent.

Eventually we arrived at this creepy abandoned building we started sniffing around trying to find him. Shiro got his sent and alerted me and the others we followed him to the other side of the building. There he was Keith was surrounded by guards and had a chain on him while Lotor smiled. Shiro and I growled and snarled at all of them "L-Lance" Keith said with a mixture of surprise, scared, and happiness. I turned to look at him and whimpered.

Keith's POV: I felt myself get tased and then I passed out but when I woke up I was in a jail cell."HEY HEEEEYY" I screamed "Oh my god why do people always scream when they wake up." Lotor walked into my view "Lotor" I said confused "yep that's my name" he said. "why are you doing this to me I thought you liked me" I said teary eyed. "HAHAH oh Keith I never liked you I was just trying to get close to you so I cloud kill you. But your nuisance of a boyfriend kept getting in my way, so I had to do things the hard way." He explained.

I was at a loss for words but then I realized Lance wasn't around "WAIT WHERE'S LANCE" I gripped the cell bars. "Oh him yeah I knocked him out and left him in the middle of the woods to rot" he said with a smile "you... you MONSTER" I tried to reach through the cell "IM NOT THE MONSTER HERE YOU ARE" he pointed a gun at me. "If you really were gonna kill me why haven't you done it yet?" I growled "because I'm waiting for your brother" he said.

My eyes widened "Yeah your little lover boy called him. Which works WONDERS for me because he's obviously gonna bring more werewolves which means more fun for me" he began laughing.

*1 hour later*

As I was sitting in my cell I heard Shiro's howl I shot up moved to the window and howled back. I let out a relieved sigh "psst" I heard a voice"psst Keith" I turned around to see James "you... YOU RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE YOU LITTLE RAT" I tried to claw at his face but he backed away "I know, I know I ruined your life and what I did was unforgivable but I'm here to get you out" he said "after all that you've done why are you helping me now" I cried "because I didn't know Lotor would do this. I didn't know he was going to kill you I just wanted people to believe me" he began crying.

He started to unlock my cell but then Lotor hit him in the head knocking him unconscious. "JAMES" I yelled Lotor finished unlocking my cell and put a chained collar around my neck. "Don't even try transforming or I'll kill you on the spot" he tugged the chain, he pulled me to the side of the building as we waited outside.

We were standing there for a bit then I saw Shiro and other wolves but there was one I hadn't seen before. They were grey and had hints of blue in their fur then it hit me "L-Lance" I stuttered the wolf turned around, looked at me then whimpered.

3rd person's POV: Keith smiled then Shiro turned back into a human "give me back my brother" he demanded.

"NO NOT UNTIL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOUR KIND" Lotor yelled pulling out a knife. The other wolves growled but Shiro calmed them "we've shown you no harm why do you want us dead" Shiro asked. "BECAUSE YOUR KIND KILLED MY FAMILY, MY MOTHER, MY FATHER YOU SHOWED US NO MERCY SO WHY SHOULD I GIVE IT TO YOU." Lotor yelled Shiro out his hands up and started walking towards him. "Lotor I'm sorry that, that happened to you but not all of us are like that" Shiro reassured.

Lotor put the knife to Keith's throat "DONT COME ANY CLOSER" he yelled Lance snarled at him. "Lance it's ok" Keith said calmly Lance backed away "Lotor I don't want to hurt you. I'm just here for my brother what can I do to take him back" Shiro asked.

"NOTHING THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO AAAAHHHHH" Lotor went to stab Keith but Coran stopped him. "That's enough" he said in a stern tone "principal Coran" Keith questioned "hey Keith we have a lot we need to talk about." He chuckled Coran kicked Lotor in the stomach and threw him to the floor. The guards started to charge at them "sorry I'm late Shiro I had to get everybody" he said walking towards Shiro. " what matters is that you're here now, now let's have some fun" Shiro said before shifting back into a wolf and running at the guards.

Keith's POV: After everyone started fighting one another I immediately ran towards Lance. "Lance you're a werewolf now" I asked Lance shifted back into a human. "I know it's crazy right" he cried as he held my face "I'm so happy you're safe" he kissed me. I was pulled away by a guard "LET GO OF ME" I yelled Lance tried attacking him but failed. I bit the guards hand but not hard enough to break skin.

The guy let go of me I broke the chain on my neck and transformed.

3rd person's POV: After they defeated/scared of the guards everyone shifted back into humans. "KEITH" Shiro yelled as he and Keith ran towards each other into a big embrace. "Shiro I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry" Keith cried "shhh shh it's ok" Shiro patted his head.

Lance noticed Lotor standing up and pointing a gun at Shiro and Keith. "you took something from me so now I'm gonna take something from you" Lotor said under his breath. "SHIRO, KEITH LOOK OUT" he yelled. Shiro looked up and noticed Lotor and he turned them around, werewolf protectors immediately tackled Lotor but then the gun shot went off. Keith gasped and looked up at Shiro, Shiro looked at Keith with tears in his eyes. "It's gonna be ok" he said before dropping to the floor "SHIRO" Keith cried.

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