Chapter 2, the realisation

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Keith's POV: After lance took me to the nurses office I had to go home and get new glasses. I had my older brother Shiro pick me up so he could take me to the store to get new glasses. I said good bye to lance, gave him a hug and thanked him before I left I hid my face in my hoodie so Shiro wouldn't see my face.

I hopped in the car and Shiro rubbed my head because he hadn't seen me in a while. "Ow" I said "oh are you ok Keith" he asked as he started to drive away "y-yeah I'm fine" I hid my face more in my hoodie then Shiro pulled my hood off my head and stopped the car. "what the hell happened" he grabbed my face and started looking and my injury's.

"I got in a fight" I said as I pushed his hand away. "With who" he said with concern in his voice "with James" I replied "why" he asked I Paused for a minute trying not to cry "he ripped up the art book that mom gave me" I started to cry. Shiro pulled me in his arms and gave me a hug he knew how much I loved that book because it was the last thing my mom gave me before she and our dad died in a car accident.

We stayed in the hug for a while "I'll go and get you your glasses you can stay home and rest" I nodded and he dropped me off at home and helped me get to my room because I couldn't see a thing without my glasses.

Lance's POV: After Keith left I went to all my other classes but I couldn't focus I kept thinking about him. I didn't know why I felt like I had to protect him I wanted to make sure he was always safe. And nothing bad ever happened to him. I went home and called my best friend Hunk "Hey buddy how are you" said hunk really excited.

"Im good how are you" I asked "I'm good has anything exciting happened what's it like in California". Hunk started asking a whole bunch of questions, I used to live in New York with him until my mom got a new job. Hunk has never left New York so I understand why he asked a lot of questions. But I stopped him at one particular question he said if I liked anyone.

I told him that there was this one person every time I think about them I get this weird feeling in my stomach. "IT'S LOVE" he shouted "PFT no way" "what's her name"  "well I'll let you guess their name starts with a K". Hunk started guessing for awhile he kept saying all theses girly names for some reason I don't know why but I spit it out. "HUNK IT'S NOT A GIRL" everything with silent for a second "so are you gay" he asked confused.

"No I still think the girls here are really pretty". "Oh then you're bi" I asked him what bi meant "he said it meant attraction to more than one gender. Those who identify as bisexual feel a sexual and/or romantic attraction to people of a different gender as well as your own . "So what's his name" he reassured. "Keith" I said "sounds like a bad boy name" "no he's actually really shy and sweet" "awww cute I can't wait to tell pidge about this" he said "NO DON'T TELL PIDGE THEY'LL NEVER LIVE THIS DOWN" I shouted. "To late hahaha" "NOOOO, my life is over" Pidge is hunk's partner or how he likes to say it his partner in crime.

"Well man I gotta go but talk to you later yeah" "yeah bye hunk" I hung up the phone and thought to myself do I really like Keith I mean I hardly know the guy but his eyes are amethyst, his skin is as white as snow, soft pink lips, and raven black hair to bad it was a mullet why did it have to be a mullet. I eventually dozed off and took a nap.

Keith's POV: When Shiro came back with my new glasses I immediately put them on so I could see. I gave him a hug to thank him "thank you Shiro" I said he handed me a book I opened it the pages were blank. Then I realize that it was an art book I gave him an even bigger hug and thanked him so many times. "How can I repay you" "you can repay me by telling me who that boy was you were talking to".

"Who lance oh he's just a friend" I said "so that's his name" Shiro new I was gay before I even came out to him so now he bugs me a lot. "Lance is just a friend he helped me get to the Nurses office after the fight" "uhh huh a friend that's what they all say". "Is that what you said about Adam when you met him" I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.

he glared at me then got me in a head lock and started to give me a noogie. "Take it back, take it back" he said "never" I said while laughing he stoped and pushed me to the side "you're funny no wonder we're related" he said. After he left my room I laid down on my back and thought to my self do I actually like lance.

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