sience says we remember, we remember chapter 12

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Me and Ryan had been shopping for about 3 hours now. "Ryan, I'm hungry," I moaned. "So am I angel. Where you wanna go for lunch? Or have you finished shopping and just wanna get home?" He asked me. "Can we go to that nice restaurant around the corner?" I asked. "Yeah of course we can! Anything for my princess," Ryan said, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me.

We had finished lunch and we in the car on the way home when my phone rang. It was Holly.

* Heya Holly! You alright?

Hey Hannah! Yeah I'm good thanks, you?

Yeah I'm good! We are just on our way back from shopping

Aww! Take it you're having a good day then?

Yeah, a really nice day so far!!

Good good!! What you lot doing next tuesday night?

I don't think we are doing anything, why?

Do you lot all wanna come over to ours for my birthday? It will just be me, Gee, the lads and obviously you lot!!

Yeah that would be great! Have missed you all, even though I saw you yesterday!!!

Yeah, ok I have got to go now, will text you or call you to let you know more details. Talk to you soon!! Love ya!

Ok byee! Love ya too!!*

"Birthday party?" Ryan asked me as we pulled into the drive. "Yeah! Next Tuesday. It will only be you, me and the lads, and Holly, Gee and those lads!!" I replied. "And Tom?" he asked. "Unfortunately, yes," I said, getting out of the car and grabbing my shopping from the boot. "Don't worry about that idiot, I will be there by your side the whole time. Don't let him get to you. I won't let him," he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a hug, kissing my head. "Thank you Ryan. I love you," I said looking at him. "I love you too, my angel," he replied kissing me.

2 days later

Holly's POV

I had my scan today. Me and Max are so excited!!! We are expecting..................................

Ryan's POV

Me and Hannah were sitting on the sofa watching tv, but she had fallen asleep in my arms. Suddenly her phone rang. I checked caller ID and it was Holly.

*Hi Holly! How are you?

Oh hey Ryan! Yeah I'm good thanks! I have some good news, can you put Hannah on please?

Yeah, hang on let me wake her up*

"Hannah," I whispered into her ear, "Holly wants to talk to you, angel." She held out her hand for her phone.

*Hey Holly! What do you want to talk about?

Well I went for the scan today

Aww!! How did it go? Can I put you on loudspeaker so Ryan can hear?

Of course you can!*

Hannah put her phone on loudspeaker and leant against me again.

*Right are you two ready?

YES!!! Now tell us already!!

Ok well I'm expecting................................................. TWINS!!!

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!

YES WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHH! I'm so happy for you two!!!

We are so excited it's unbelieveable!!

You gonna find out if they are boys or girls or whatever?

No we are going to wait until they are born, then it will be a surprise, but a good one!!

Aww that's sweet!! Right we have got to go coz the others have come home now, see you Tuesday!!!

Yeah bye!!*

"Aww I'm so happy for them!!!" Hannah screamed. "Aww so am I baby. Hopefully that will be us one day," I replied, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her head. "I love you angel," I said. "I love you to Ryan. You are the best thing that has happened to me for a while," Hannah replied, kissing me and I kissed her back. We stayed on the sofa as we both fell asleep in each others arms, just how we both liked it.



I know I said this would be up on Friday, but I had spare time this evening so I thought why not do it now!! Enjoy! Fan, vote, comment, etc.

Hannah xxx

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