Silence says we remember, we remember, chapter 3

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Tom's POV

I can't get her out of my head! When she walked in the room, it was like the whole world had lit up, especially my world!! She was gorgeous and exactly what I look for in a girl. I'm gonna have to be careful about this one, and try not to make it too obvious, however I think she likes me as well! I need to talk to Nathan about this. Now where the hell is my phone?? "Gee!!" I shouted, "Have you seen my phone?" Gee came wondering into my room, "It's in the kitchen on the table," she said. "Thanks Gee!" She followed me down to the kitchen and sat at the table, "Ermm, Tom, can I talk to you bro?" Gee asked. "Yeah, course you can!" I said joining her at the table and smiling at her. "Erm, well you know how you’re in a band, well, erm, I can't stop thinking about Nathan," she said while tracing the pattern of the wood on the table with her finger. "Oh!" I said shocked, "Well I suppose I'm in the same boat as you." "WHAT??? You like Nathan as well?" asked Gee, with a shocked look on her face. "No, no silly!!! I think I like Nathan's best mate, Hannah," I admitted. "Oh right, well I'm going to bed now," yawned Gee.

Nathan's POV

Bleep bleep

"HANNAH!!!" I shouted. "WHAT???" she shouted in reply, walking into my room. "Have you seen my phone?" I asked her. "If you got off of your lazy arse and looked, you might see it!" she replied, walking over to where I had left it on charge, and then she threw it at me. "Aww thanks, my lovely best mate!" I said to her. "Whatever Nath!! Who is the text from then?" she asked. "Erm, Tom," I replied. "Ok, I will leave you to it Nath!" Hannah said to me.

From: Tom Parker - Hiya mate! Erm, just wondering if I could have Hannah's number :)

To: Tom Parker - Hey!! Yeah sure mate! Me and Jess know how much you like her ;) ;) lol!!

I added her number to the end of the text and sent it, I noticed that I never got one back from him!!


I went and sat back downstairs with Jess. "Hannah, your phone has just gone off. Dunno where you left it either! Haha!!" laughed Jess. "Thanks Jess, and I left it in the kitchen. Want a cuppa?" I asked. "Yeah sure," replied Jess. "NATH!" I shouted up the stairs, "Want a cuppa mate?" "Yeah, sure! Thanks Hannah!" he replied. I picked up my phone off of the table. 1 new message, it was from a number I didn't recognise. I filled the kettle up and put it on to boil, then I opened the text and it said: "Heya Hannah! It's Tom here!! How you doing? :) xx" I made our teas and took Jess' through to her, "I'm just gonna take Nathan's upstairs and I will be back down," I said. I put my phone in my pocket and picked up mine and Nathan's teas and took them upstairs. "Here you go mate," I said, plonking his tea down on his bedside table. I sat on his bed next to him, "So Nath, did you give my number to Tom by any chance?" I asked. He looked at me with a guilty look on his face, "He asked for it so I gave it to him," he said in a rush! "No need to look guilty about it Nath! I don't mind, I like talking to Tom!" I said. "I bet you like looking at him as well!!" Nathan said. "OH, you did not just say that Nathan James Sykes!!" "You bet I did!!!" "Right you are getting it now!"I said tickling him. Jess must have heard all the noise and came running up the stairs and jumped on Nathan's bed to help me out!! "I SURRENDER!!!!!" Nathan shouted. "Good thing too, coz I need to reply to Tom's text! Oh and by the way Nath, I have put Gee's number in your phone, coz I know you will use it a lot! Haha!!" I said.

Gee's POV

I was half asleep when suddenly my phone rang. It was a number that I didn't recognise, but I still answered it anyway!!


Hello Gee, it's Nathan! How are you darlin'?

Oh, hi Nathan!! Yeah, I'm good thanks, you?

Yeah I'm very well!! What you up to then?

Well actually I was nearly asleep until you phoned!

Oh sorry Gee. I will leave you to sleep then and I will text you tomorrow, that alright?

Yeah course it is Nathan!!

OK! Talk to you tomorrow, bye beautiful!

Bye Nathan*

I can't believe it!! Nathan Sykes just called me beautiful!!! Eeek, gonna sleep so well tonight!!


Apparently, coz I haven't replied to Tom he feels the need to call me!

*Heya Tom!!! You alright?

Hiya Hannah! Yeah I'm good thanks, you?

Yeah, I'm really well thanks!

That’s good then! What you up to at the moment then?

Trying to sleep Tom!! Haha

Oh sorry sweetie, didn't realise!

It's alright! It's not your fault hun!

Ok, well I better let you sleep! So shall I call or text you tomorrow, or something?

Yeah, I would like that Tom!

Ok well I will talk to you tomorrow in some shape or form then!! Haha! Sleep well gorgeous

I will, and you too hun! Bye!!


"TOM JUST CALLED ME GORGEOUS!!!!!" I shouted. "What??" demanded Nathan. "I said 'TOM JUST CALLED ME GORGEOUS!!!' “shouting at Nathan. "You two are so perfect for each other, it's unbelievable!!" He said. "Well so are you and Gee!" I said smirking at him. "Whatever Hannah! Now go to sleep, like Tom probably said to you! Haha!!" said Nathan, walking out of my room. I was gonna sleep so well tonight, thinking about Tom!!!

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