silence says we remember, we remember, chapter 17

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4 months later

Holly's POV

"MAX!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted. "What babe?" he asked, running into our room from the en-suite. "I think my waters may have just broken," I replied. He quickly grabbed my bag from behind the door that we had had ready for a while. He ran downstairs and got Nathan to chuck that in the car, then he came running back up and picked me up and carried me to the car. He then got in the front and raced me to hospital.

Max's POV

I'm going to be a dad. I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was all I could think on the way to the hospital. I literally cannot wait!!!


Me and Ryan were casually walking through the shopping centre. We didn't mind if fans saw us and came up to us, they are partly the reason Lawson are so big. The lad's are so grateful for them! We were walking back to the car when my phone started ringing.I checked caller ID, "Max," I said out loud. I looked at Ryan and he looked back at me, nodding as if to say answer it then!!

*Heya Max! How are you?

Yeah, erm, hi Hannah, erm where are you?

Me and Ryan are at the shopping centre, we have just finished shopping though. Why?

Can you get to the hospital like now please!

Erm, yeah of course, erm, why?

Holly has gone into labour*

Max suddenly hung up. "Ryan we need to get to the hospital like now. Holly has gone into labour," I said, putting my shopping into the boot and getting into the front of the car. Ryan started the engine and drove to the hospital. We both got out of the car and Ryan stood next to me holding my hand, "Lets go and welcome two new lives into the world," Ryan said and we started walking into the hospital. Max met us at the reception and flung himself at Ryan. "I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to be dad!!" Max said. He let go of Ryan and hugged me. "Max you gonna be there when Holly gives birth?" I asked. "Oh shit, yeah. Gotta go guys, will see you in a bit!!" Max shouted, running off. Ryan slung his arm over my shoulders and we followed Max's trail. We found some chairs near to where Holly's ward was and we sat down. Around 1 hour later, Max came out with a huge smile on his face. "I am now a dad!!!!!" He shouted. I stood up and hugged him, and he hugged back with one of his big bear hugs! "Congratulations mate!" Ryan said, giving Max a 'man' hug. "You two wanna come and see my children?" He asked. The huge smile never left his face. You could see exactly how happy he was! We walked into Holly's room. She was wide awake, holding one of the twins. Their was a nurse standing over her and the cot that the other twin was in. "Hannah!! Ryan!! You don't know how happy I am to see two of my best ever friends!" Holly exclaimed. "Guess what guys?" asked Max. "What?" both me and Ryan said in unison. "I have a son and a daughter!!!!!!" exclaimed Max, jumping around the room. "Max calm down!" said Ryan, laughing. Me and Holly joined in laughing. "What? But I'm excited!!" Max said, his huge smile still on his face, "and this smile is never gonna be wiped off of my face!" he added. "What even when you have to get up at 1 in the morning and give them both bottles and then there is changing nappies, constant crying, screaming, colds, and I could go on but I can't be bothered!" explained Holly. "Yeah maybe then it might disappear!" said Max.

After about two hours of chatting, and the rest of The Wanted and Lawson coming over and saying hello and whatever, I got to hold my god-daughter and Ryan got to hold his god-son. "Hello Yvie," I said, looking at Yvie peacefully asleep in my arms. Ryan peered over and smiled at us both. "She looks so cute! But then my god-son is the splitting image of Max, aren't you Olly!!" Ryan said, looking at Olly.

After about an hour, me and Ryan had to go so we handed our god-children back to Holly and Max. We said our good-byes and headed out of Holly's room. I realised Ryan and stopped walking and was standing just behind me. "Hey Ryan, what's up?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Just thinking that that will hopefully be us one day," he replied, as a smile crept onto his lips. "I hope so too! I love you Ryan," I said, hugging him. "I love you too my angel," he said, kissing me properly on the lips this time. We walked out of the hospital and drove back home. We instantly collapsed on our bed. We were both so tired and we had both had a long day!!!



Heya guys!! Hope you all enjoy this part! Do you all like The Wanted? If so please go and read my new fanfic, some days stay gold forever, and then comment with your thoughts and views! May be even possibly fan me and I will fan you back and read some of your fanfics!!

Love to all my readers,

Hannah xxx

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