silence says we remember, we remember, chapter 4

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The Next Day


"NATH!!" I shouted walking into his room and jumping onto his bed, "I'm going over to Holly's today, am I allowed to tell her about the band yet?" Nathan turned over in bed to face me, "Erm, yeah I think you can. Might wanna ask Tom tho!!!" he laughed. I picked up a pillow and hit him with it. Thankfully he wasn't properly awake so missed me when he tried! "Right, well I'm about to leave for Holly's now, so I will see you later mate!" I said hugging him. "Yeah, whatever!" Nathan replied, yawning. I went into my room, finished my make-up, got my bag and walked downstairs. Jess was sitting in the kitchen, waiting for her mates to phone. "Jess my lovely!" I said hugging her. "Heya Hannah! You alright?" she asked. "Yeah I'm good thanks! Guess who phoned me last?!!" "Tom by any chance?" she guessed. "Of course!!!" I replied. "You two are so perfect together, Hannah!" commented Jess. "Yeah, well! And another thing, he called me gorgeous as well!!!!" "OMG Hannah!!! Tom has a major thing for you!! And I think you have a thing for him too!!" said Jess. "Well we will find out! Right, I'm going to Holly's now. I will see you later! Have a nice day shopping!!" I said. "Yeah I'm sure I will! Byee!" Jess replied.

I was walking to my Holly's (my other best mate!) house when my phone started ringing, it was Nathan.

* Hey Nath! You awake now then?!!

Yes I am thanks to you Hannah!

No problem, anytime haha! Now what do you want coz I'm nearly at Holly's!

Erm, Tom has just phoned and him and Max are coming over this evening, and I was wondering if you wanted to bring Holly so she could meet Tom and Max?

That sounds like a good idea! I will ask her!! Oh and also, I think Holly is going to like Max a lot coz he is very much her type!!

Fine whatever! I will leave you and Jess to the match making haha!! See you later Hannah

Ok! Bye Nath!*

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked up to Holly's front door. Before I had the chance to knock on the door, it was flung open and Holly was wrapping her arms around me in a huge hug!! "Hannah!!! I have missed you so much!!" screamed Holly. "I know right!! It feels like ages since I have seen you!!" I screamed back! We let go of each other and went up to her room.

We had been chatting for a while when I decided it was time to tell her. "Erm, Holly, I have some news for you!" I said. "Good news?" she asked, and I nodded in reply, "tell me now then!!" "OK! Well you know how much of a good singer Nathan is, well he went for an audition the other day for a new boyband, and well I suppose you could now say he is part of the newest boyband around!!!!! And we went upto London the other day to meet the rest of the lads, and OMG one of them is just so hot! And he called me last night, coz I forgot to reply to his text, and when he said bye he called me gorgeous!!!" I said, with a huge smile on my face. "Aww, that's great news for Nath! And aww Hannah's got her eye on someone!!!" Holly laughed, "have you got a picture of the whole band?" she asked. "Of course I have! And there is someone that is very much your kind of guy!!" I said excitedly. I showed her the picture, she obviously knew which one Nathan was, and I pointed and named Siva and Jay. Then I started smiling and pointed to Tom, "Aww you and him would be so perfect together!" Holly said. "That's exactly what Nathan and Jess have been saying!!" "I take it this one is Max then?" she asked, pointing to the one I hadn't named. "Of course!!" I replied. "He is gorgeous!!" Holly said. "Well, what you doing this evening?" I asked her. "Erm nothing why?" she asked. "Well, Tom and Max are coming over to ours tonight, and Nathan wanted to know if you wanted to come?" I asked. "YEAH!!! Of course I want to come! Need to make sure Tom is absolutely perfect for you and you HAVE to introduce me to Max!!" Holly said.

A few hours later

Me and Holly were lounging on the sofa at mine and Nathan's, when my phone rang.

* Hey Tom!! You alright?

Heya sweetie! Yeah I'm good thanks, you?

Yeah I'm good ta!

Told you I would call or text you today!

Yeah I know, but you will be here in like 15 minutes Tom!!

Oh well, I keep to my promises!

Ok!! Well, I need to go get ready now, so I will see you in a bit!

Ok gorgeous, see you soon! Bye

Bye hun!!*

"Hannah, he is so perfect for you!! You should have seen the smile on your face when you were talking to him!!" Holly said excitedly. "I do really like him I have to admitt, even though I have known him for less than a week!!" I replied, "Right, lets go get changed!"

15 minutes later

Holly had finished getting ready like 5 minutes ago so she had gone and sat in the living room to talk to Jess. As I was walking down the stairs, there was a knock at the door. "I'LL GET IT!!" I shouted. I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey lads!!" I said. "Heya Hannah! You alright?" Max asked, hugging me. "Yeah, I'm good thanks!! You?" "Yeah I'm good! I'll leave you two to it!!" He said, winking at me so I stuck my tongue out at him, "Holly is in the living room with Jess! She has a thing for you Max!!!" I said laughing, as he walked into the living room. "Heya Hannah!" Tom said smiling at me. "Hey Tom!" I said hugging him. He seemed shocked but then wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, pulling me closer to him. "Wanna come through?" I asked when he let go of me. "Yeah sure!" he replied, following me through to the living room, where Max was sitting next to Holly chatting to her!! "Those two are hitting it off already!" said Tom. "Too engrossed with each other, they didn't even hear that!" I said laughing, and sitting down on the other sofa. Tom sat down next to me and put his arm over my shoulders, as I leaned up against him. "You two seem to be getting close!!" Nathan said, winking at me. I could feel my cheeks burning up, "You look lovely, Hannah," Tom whispered in my ear, making me blush even more! "Oh, Nath! Is that the door? Go answer it!" I said, knowing full well that it was Gee................

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