chapter 29

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Hello to my lovely readers! How you all doin'?! I just wanted to say that this is dedicated to Holly, my best friend. She doesn't have Wattpad so I can't tag her, but I have dedicated this to her because she is amazing, she means the world to me, and without her constant pestering, this fanfic wouldn't have got as far as it has now! So yeah, love you Holly :)

So here's the next part, hope you all enjoy it!!!

Hannah xxx


6 weeks later

~Hannah's POV~


Today is the day, I thought to myself, the day I become Mrs Hannah Fletcher. The last time I saw Ryan was yesterday lunchtime, and since then I have been staying in a hotel with Holly, Gee and Jess. I laid in bed thinking over things when the girls came rushing in my room and jumped on my bed.

"WAKE UP HANNAH!!!!" they all screamed.

"Can you not see I am awake?!!" I laughed.

"Well yeah, but we just wanted to make sure!" Holly laughed with me.

"How you feeling?" Gee asked, "nervous? Excited? Regret?"

"Never regret Gee, never!! And yeah, nervous but excited!" I replied.

"Aww! I can't believe you are getting married today!!" exclaimed Holly, hugging me.

"I know!!" I said, hugging her back and dragging Gee and Jess into the hug.

"Right! Come on bride, time to get up! We have so much to do before 11!!!" Jess said, excitedly. We all climbed off my bed and set about our tasks!!

10.45 am

I had just put my dress on and was waiting for Holly, Gee and Jess to come back to my room in their dresses. I was shaking a bit with nerves when the girls walked in.

"Hannah, you look amazing!!" they all said in unison.

"Aww thanks! So do you three," I replied.

"Not as good as you though!" said Holly, handing me my flowers.

"You ready?" asked Gee.

"Ready as I will ever be," I replied, following Gee and Jess to the door, with Holly by my side.

"Ryan will be just as nervous Hannah, maybe even more," Holly said, putting her arm around me and pulling me into a little hug, as not to ruin anything.

I smiled at her and she smiled back.


~Ryan's POV~

"5 minutes," Andy whispered to me.

"Ok mate, thanks," I replied. I was so nervous, but excited as well as today is the day Hannah becomes Mrs Fletcher.

Suddenly the music started playing and the doors at the back of the church opened. I turned around and looked up at Hannah at the exact same time she looked up at me. Wow! She looks absolutely stunning, I thought to myself. A huge smile spread onto her face, and I smiled back at her. As she came and stood next to me, I took her hand in mine as she gave Holly her flowers. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she looked gorgeous, and amazing, and perfect, and of course, mine.


Me and Hannah stood outside the front of the church, my arm around her, as everyone threw confetti at us and the photographer took some photos.


We had all just finished our meal when Andy decided it was speech time. He went first, then I was to do mine afterwards.

So after laughing with Andy for the past 10 minutes, it was my turn.

"Ok, so I'm not quite sure how to carry on from Andy, he always was the funny one! I suppose really I should start with saying thank you very much Hannah, you have made me one of the happiest men alive today. You mean the absolute world to me, and I would do anything for you. I love you Mrs Fletcher," everyone then proceeded to aww, "next I want to say thank you to Holly, Gee and Jess who have been there for Hannah when I haven't been able to be. For helping Hannah to plan this wedding and going dress shopping with her! I also want to say thank you to my amazing best mates, and bandmates, who have been there when I have needed help, and who persuaded me to propose to Hannah, otherwise without them I don't think we would have been here right now, maybe a few years down the line, but not today!! So yeah that's about it really!" I finished off, sitting back down and kissing Hannah, my lovely Mrs Fletcher.

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