silence says we remember, we remember, chapter 14

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Three days later


Me and Ryan decided to tell the fans about us today. I was sitting on our bed with Ryan's laptop waiting for him to come back from the kitchen. I was looking through pictures of Holly's party and trying to find one of us two. "You found one yet angel?" Ryan asked, walking into our room and sitting on the bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I leant on him. "Yeah. I was thinking this one," I said, pointing at the picture on the laptop screen. "Ok. You sure you want to do this?" Ryan asked, looking at me. "Of course I do!" I looked at him and smiled, "We can't keep this a secret forever!!" I laughed. "Good point," Ryan replied, "I don't want to keep my gorgeous girl a secret anymore!" Ryan said, kissing my cheek. He took the laptop off of my lap and put it on the bed in front of us. He logged onto his twitter and started writing his tweet:

@LawsonRyan: 'I have news for you all! The picture basically explains all, me and my amazing girlfriend @Hannah_Lwsn go follow her, and be nice :) <3 xx'

He attached the picture and tweeted it. Within in seconds he got loads of retweets! "Right I'm going to have a shower. I will be back in a minute," Ryan said, getting off of the bed and walking into our en-suite.

Ryan's POV

I didn't want to keep her a secret anymore, I wanted all the fans to know and now they do. I just hope she doesn't get any hate from them. I finished having my shower, got out, dried myself and wrapped my towel around my waist. I walked out of our en-suite and into our room to see Hannah sitting on the bed with a single tear running down her cheek. "Hannah what's wrong?" I asked, sitting down next to her and pulling her into a hug. She leant her head on my chest and started crying even more. "Why does it have to happen to me? Why do I always get the hate?" she sobbed into my chest. I rubbed my hand up and down her arm to comfort her. "I got hate when Tom said about us to his fans, and I have got a load of hate now. Why me?" she sobbed even more. I looked at the screen on the laptop and saw all the hate. People were saying stuff like 'You leave my Ryan alone you bitch' and 'No wonder Tom left you, don't know what Ryan sees in you either, your ugly' and 'you need to get a life and stop messing up other people's lives'. There were some nice ones like 'aww you two are so cute together!' and 'Ryan why didn't you tell us earlier?! She is so perfect for you' and then I saw one from Nathan 'If you don't like the fact that Ryan has a girlfriend, you may as well stop following him coz he is perfect for Hannah. Hannah has been through a lot recently and he has always been there for her. He really really loves her and you can see that when they are around each other.' There was also one from Holly 'Can all please stop hating on Hannah. She is my best friend and now Ryan's girlfriend, she doesn't deserve this. Don't give what you can't take yourself #endof '. I'm so glad Nathan and Holly are sticking up for her, they are her best friends and have always been there for her. "Shh, Hannah, it will be alright. Holly and Nathan are telling the haters what to do and what to do with their hate," I said pulling her closer to me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back. "I love you my angel. I always will no matter what," I said unwrapping my arms from around her and looking at into her gorgeous eyes. "I love you too Ryan, and I always will," she replied, looking into my eyes and then kissing me. "You two coming downstairs?" Andy asked, walking into mine and Hannah's room. "Mate what happened?" Andy asked. I turned the laptop towards Andy and he read what was on the screen. "Ah crap, didn't think the fans would react like that," Andy said. "It's alright Andy," Hannah said, "haters gonna hate! I don't care what they think, as long as I have you lot!!!"

A few hours later

Me, Hannah, Joel, Andy and Adam were all sitting downstairs playing guitar hero and rockband on the x-box. I was on bass, Adam was on drums, Joel was on guitar and Andy on vocals. "Adam, want a drum off?" Hannah asked. "Go for it!! You will never beat my score!!" Adam laughed. "Wanna bet?" I asked him. "Go for it! £10 she won't be me!" Adam said. "£10 she will beat you mate!! You are on!!" I laughed. Andy sat out for this one so left me, Hannah and Joel. "Hannah is gonna beat you mate!!" Andy laughed at Adam. We all started playing and Andy decided to take a picture of our concentration faces and posted it on twitter. We got to the end of the song and waited for our scores. I took my bass off and rested it up against the sofa. "NO WAY!!!" Adam shouted. "YES WAY!!! Whooo I beat Adam!!!" Hannah shouted. She wrapped her arms around me and i lifted her off of the ground and spun her around. "You owe me a tenner mate!" I said to Adam, lightly punching his arm. "Whatever Ryan," Adam said, sulking. "Knew you could do it my angel!" I said grabbing Hannah around her waist and kissing her.

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