silence says we remember, we remember, chapter 10

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Gee's POV

The boys had finished their first ever tour and it was a success!! Well apart from Tom having a go at Ryan and Hannah all the time, and actually the rest of Lawson and me, Nathan, Holly and Max, just because we stuck by Hannah. Tom was really pissed off about it all, and he still is now. He is so grumpy around us, apart from Jay and Siva because they aren't getting involved in this!! We had a massive party last night and we are all feeling a bit rough around the edges, but we are all going out for breakfast this morning, with Lawson and Hannah as well. I'm really upset that I'm not gonna see much of Hannah anymore, and I blame my brother for it.

2 weeks later

Gee's POV

"Nathan?" I asked him. We were sat on the sofa watching tv with Max and Holly. "Yeah babe," Nathan replied, looking at me. "I miss Hannah," I said. "So do I Gee, so do I," he replied. "And me!" piped up Max. "So do I Gee! She is my absolute best mate, and I'm sorry to bad-mouth your brother, but he is a bloody idiot if he thinks Hannah is gonna take him back. I was talking to her after one of their first arguments and she was saying that if they hadn't started arguing they would probably stay together til something obstructs their relationship, like if one of them fell ill and died, then they would have to be split up, but otherwise she said that they would have stayed together. Then the arguments started and everything went downhill," Holly said. "I don't mind if you bad-mouth my brother, that's all I feel like doing at the moment, shouting at him for ruining something that made him so happy. I loved seeing him so happy, but now he has gone and ruined it," I replied. "What you lot talking about?" Tom demanded, walking into the living room. "You and how you messed things up with Hannah," I said bluntly. "Excuse me Georgia, but I did not mess things up with her, she did because everytime she didn't get her own way, she got in a strop and I'm sorry but I cannot be dealing with someone like that," Tom shouted at me. "No one, and I mean NO ONE, calls me Georgia anymore, only you do when you are angry. And it wasn't Hannah's fault, it was yours because if you didn't get your way you would blame it on Hannah which made her upset, then made Nathan and Holly upset which then in turn, lead to me and Max becoming upset. So your mistakes lead to all of us being upset," I shouted back at him. "Tom calm down mate, you're now starting an argument with Gee which is not a wise move with me sitting here. Don't even think about blaming this on Hannah, and don't have a go at Gee," Nathan said to Tom. "Whatever mate, I'm going out, not that any of you lot care!" Tom said, walking out the door and slamming it.


Andy, Adam, Joel and Ryan were sat at the kitchen table while I made lunch of lasagne and garlic bread, all homemade of course!! Once I had made the lasagne and garlic bread and put it in the oven, I went and sat down in my normal seat between Joel and Ryan. "You alright?" Ryan asked, putting his arm around me. "Umm, yeah! What are we doing this afternoon?" I asked. "Not a lot. Why?" replied Andy. "If Max, Nathan, Holly and Gee aren't doing anything, can they come over?" I asked. "Yeah, I don't see why not!" replied Andy, "I will just call Max." Andy chatted to Max on the phone for a while and me and Ryan were trying to do the wordsearch in the paper. "Hannah, when is your birthday?" asked Joel. "2nd November, why?" I replied. "Just wondering! Don't want to miss it now do we!!" Joel said, laughing. "Hang on did you just say 2nd November?" asked Adam. "Erm, yeah, why?" I asked. "Well that's, what, 3 weeks from now!" said Adam. "Oh my, thanks for reminding me Adam! Its Holly's birthday next week, I need to go get her something," I said. "So she is like 2 weeks older than you?" asked Ryan. "Yeah, exactly 2 weeks older than me," I replied, standing up to get lunch out of the oven and dishing it up on plates. "Max said that they can all come over this afternoon," said Andy. "Yay!!" I said, jumping up and down. "Give me my lunch before you drop it please Hannah!!" laughed Ryan, taking his plate out of my hand. "Oh sorry Ryan!!" I said, sitting down with my lunch.

Later that day

Max, Nathan, Holly and Gee had left about an hour ago and we had ordered pizza in and were now lounging about in the living room watching tv. "You had a good afternoon?" asked Ryan. "Of course! I have spent it with my best mates and some random guy who I don't really know!!" I laughed, poking him in the ribs. "I'm not just some random guy thank you very much missy!!!" he said, tickling me. "RYAN!! Don't tickle me! I can't breathe!!" I shouted, rolling around on the sofa and falling onto the floor. Ryan carries on tickling me and Joel joins in. "No!! Stop it please! I can't breathe! Joel!!!! Ryan!!!! STOP IT!!" I shouted, laughing. "Whatever Hannah!!" Ryan said, poking my nose. "Right, I'm going up to bed," said Joel, "I'm tired." "Me too," said Ryan, standing up and offering me his hand so he could help me to get up. "Yeah and me," I said yawning. "Ok. Night you three," said Andy, hugging me. Adam quickly hugged me so he could get back to the x-box!! Me, Joel and Ryan all walked up the stairs and Joel hugged me before going into his room. I followed Ryan into our room. I know it may seem strange that me and him share a room, and a bed even though we are only friends, but there are no other rooms in the house so I had to share with one of them. I took my stuff into our en-suite to get ready for bed. I walked back into our room and Ryan was already sitting in bed, waiting. I put my stuff down on the floor and climbed into bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, and I hugged him back. "Hannah, I need to talk to you," he said, letting go off me. I leant up against him, "ok," I replied. "When I saw you at the first night of the tour and how you cried when you told me and the lads about you and Tom, I thought to myself 'i hate seeing her upset'," I looked at him and smiled,"Then when he told the fans about you and him and you didn't cry I thought that you were being strong around all of us, but then when the fans responded and you cried, I knew you were trying your best to be strong but the reaction of the fans really got to you and I could tell that by your face. I know how strong you have been through the rest of the tour and the last few weeks, and it makes me happy that you have kept strong and basically ignored it. I admire a girl who is strong," he looked at me, smiled and held my hand in his, "you see I suppose what I am really trying to say is that I don't want to push you into this, but Hannah, I really like you," he said, squeezing my hand. "I really like you too Ryan," I said, squeezing his hand back and looking at him. "Really?" he asked. "Really," I replied, " and I want to be more than just friends Ryan, but I think you probably knew that already!!" I said, laughing. "So do I Hannah!! And yeah I did to be honest!!!" He said laughing with me. He wrapped both of his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. When we let go of each other, we laid down. I had my head on his chest and he had his arm around me. "I will never let anyone hurt you, ever," said Ryan, running his hand through my hair, "I love you Hannah." "Aww Ryan! I love you too," I said looking at him and smiling. He reached down to kiss me and I kissed him back. "Night night, my angel. See you in the morning gorgeous," Ryan said. "Night night Ryan. See you in the morning as well, hun!" I said. I laid my head back down on his chest and fell asleep.

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