chapter 33

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Same Day

~Ryan's POV~

They had decided to keep Hannah in overnight, just to keep an eye on her and make sure she was fine to come home tomorrow. I stayed overnight with her and slept in the chair next to her bed. Except I couldn't get to sleep as there were so many thoughts running through my mind. She could have been worse than she actually was, and I could have lost her forever. I could have lost my first child. I can't believe I'm going to be a father. It must have been about 1 in the morning when I finally fell asleep.


"So Hannah, you ready to go home?" asked the nurse.

"Yeah, no offence but I just wanna be relaxing at home!" Hannah laughed, as she looked at me.

"Yes, I can understand that," the nurse replied, "right you are now ready to go. Take these to the front desk and sign out," she said, handing me the pieces of paper.

"Ok, thank you," I said, taking the pieces of paper and standing up. The nurse walked out of the room, and Hannah got out of her bed and hugged me.

"Nice to be able to hug you properly again!" Hannah remarked.

"It sure is!" I replied. I took hold of her hand, and walked out of her room with her and toward the front desk. I handed them her pieces of paper and she had to sign a few bits, then we walked out to the car park.

"Erm Ryan? How are we getting home?" Hannah asked, looking up at me.

"Andy is coming to pick us up," I said, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me.

Andy arrived and we got into his car, "Feeling better Hannah?" he asked.

"Yeah, a lot better thank you," Hannah replied.

"What was up with you then?"

"I will tell you later, when we get home and see Joel and Adam."

"Oh, erm, yeah and Holly, Max and Yvie and Olly are there as well. Holly was worried because you didn't reply to the text she sent you this morning," Andy explained.

"Ok, I was gonna text her when I got back anyway and ask if she wanted to come over."

We drove for about 10/15 minutes before arriving back home. We got out of the car, just as the front door flew open and Holly raced down the path and jumped on Hannah. All I could think was, please be careful she's carrying my child!! But obviously I couldn't say that out loud yet!

"Hannah are you alright? Why did you collapse?" Holly asked.

"Please can I just get inside and sit down before I answer those questions?" Hannah asked, walking up the path to the house. I suppose it would probably be best if me and Hannah got a little place of our own before the baby is born, so then the baby doesn't disturb the boys, and so then we feel like a proper family.

"Oh yeah, of course sorry!" Holly said, following me and Hannah up the path.

We got in the door and Hannah headed straight for the living room and I followed, settling down next to her and wrapping my arms around her as she leant on me.

"You feeling better?" Joel asked, passing Hannah a cup of tea.

"A lot better thank you Joel," she replied.

"Good! And I take it you know why you collapsed?" asked Adam.

"Erm, yeah. You all ready for this?" she asked, looking around at everyone as they all nodded in reply, "Ok, well, erm, I'm pregnant."

Holly's jaw dropped open, then closed, then she screamed, "OMG!!! Congratulations you two!!!!!!"

The lads just looked around at everyone, ending up on me and Hannah, "Yeah congratulations! We are so happy for you both!" Andy said.

"Thank you guys!" Hannah said, smiling.

"Yeah thanks! Erm, and Hannah I was thinking maybe we should get a place of our own, you know before the baby is born?" I asked, looking at her.

"Aww Ryan that would be so good! Then we can be a proper little family," Hannah said, kissing me, which I returned, then hugging me.

"Aww you two are so cute!!" Holly exclaimed, hugging Max and Yvie and Olly, "You two are going to have to look after their child!" Holly said, looking at Yvie and Olly.

Suddenly, there was a knock at door.

"I will get it," Andy said, getting up and walking out into the hall. A few minutes later he came back, "It's someone to see you Hannah."

"Hey Hannah."

"CHARLOTTE!!!!!!!" Hannah shouted, getting up off the sofa and hugging Charlotte.

"Hey Charlotte!!" Holly said, getting up and joining in their hug.

"What you doing here?" Hannah asked, sitting back down next to me, as Charlotte took a seat next to Holly.

"Just thought I would come and say hi! Didn't realise you would be here as well Holly!" Charlotte explained.

"Well, yeah me neither, but Hannah was taken to hospital yesterday and has only just come home and has told us all some good news, so yeah!!" Laughed Holly.

"Oh Hannah, you alright?" Charlotte asked, clearly concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," Hannah replied.

"And what's this good news may I ask? Obviously I know about you and Ryan being married, coz I was at the wedding!" Charlotte laughed.

"Yeah! And the news is that I'm pregnant," Hannah said.

"Oh Hannah that's amazing!!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"I know!!" Hannah laughed, wrapping her arms around me.

"You three in a rush to get anywhere?" Andy asked Holly, Max and Charlotte.

"Nope!" They all replied.

"Well, I need to take Yvie and Olly to my mums," Holly said, "but then I could come back and bring Nathan and Gee if you want Hannah?"

"Yeah that would be cool, suppose I need to tell them as well!" Hannah replied.

Later that day

Holly, Max, Nathan and Gee had just left. Nathan and Gee were just as excited as Holly and Max were, when Hannah told them about her being pregnant.

"I'm tired," Hannah said, stretching and climbing off the sofa, "I'm going up to bed."

"Same, I had like no sleep last night, blame hospital chairs!!" I laughed, getting off of the sofa and following Hannah upstairs.

"Night you two!!" The other lads yelled.

"Night!" We shouted back. Me and Hannah got ready for bed, and climbed into bed. Hannah snuggled up against me and I wrapped both my arms around her.

"I can't believe it Ryan," Hannah said, looking at me.

"Me neither my angel, but I'm so happy about it!" I replied, looking at her and smiling.

"So am I! I love you Ryan," Hannah said, kissing me.

"I love you too my angel," I replied, kissing her, "And our little one," I said, putting my hands on Hannah's tummy, then wrapping them back around her again. She snuggled more into me and fell asleep, and I shortly followed her into sleep.

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