Silence says we remember, we remember, Part 1

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I was sitting on the sofa in the front room of one of my best mates houses, with him and his sister, Jess. He went to a different school to me and Jess, and we loved it when we all met up after school! I went to the sixth form at the school and Jess was in her last year of secondary, so joining me at the sixth form next year! Me and Jess got on really well, which was a relief for Nathan as none of his other mates really spoke to Jess or took notice of her. We were just sitting talking when Nathan said "I have some news for you two."

Nathan's POV

This was it, I thought to myself, here it goes!! Hannah and Jess looked at me, confused. "Come on then, bro! Spill it!!" said Jess. "Well you know how I have been looking for auditions to go to for singing, well I have found one and they want me to attend!!!" I said, excited as it was my first proper audition, "and when I say 'me', I actually mean the whole of my class." Hannah looked at me worried, then smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen from her, "Oh Nath, thats great!! I know you are gonna do so well!! When is it?" she asked. "Ermm, tomorrow," I replied.


Why has he only told us now? Why didn't he tell us when he found out about? "And bro, how long have you known about this audition?" asked Jess. Nathan just looked at us both, "I only found out today. Right, I'm off to practice for tomorrow, gonna need it!" He came over and hugged Jess, then hugged me, "It will be alright Nath, I know you will be yourself and just be amazing! Break a leg mate, and I love ya!!" "Yeah, whatever Hannah! Love ya too."

The next day


Me and Jess were really distracted at school today, we were worrying about Nathan, I mean I know we don't need to but it's what we have always done! We couldn't wait to get home from school and find out the news from Nathan. When we got home, Nathan was sitting in the sofa in the same place as yesterday, in the middle so I was one side and Jess the other side. "So, Nath, how did it go?" Jess asked. "Well, umm, I suppose you could say I am now part of the newest boyband around!!" his face was lit up with happiness and excitement. Me and Jess dived in for a hug, "OMG Nathan!! That is great!!" I said excitedly. "And guess what girls?" Nathan asked. "What??" asked Jess. "You both get to come up to London with me tomorrow to meet the rest of the band!" Nathan explained. "Aww, bro, thanks! Gonna be so good to be like the first to meet the newest boyband on the block!! I am so excited!" "Aww Nathan, so am I! It's gonna be so good!!" I said excitedly.


Just really an introduction to my fanfic, hope you all like it and comment please, I would be very grateful! Thank you :)

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