silence says we remember, we remember, chapter 20

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Ryan's POV

I woke up early as me and the lad's have a day at the studio today. I got out of bed and got dressed, trying not to wake Hannah up. I'm so happy she said yes last night, I now can't wait until she becomes my Mrs Fletcher. I was just about to leave our room when Hannah turned over in bed.

"Ryan?" she asked.

"Yes my angel?" I replied, sitting on the bed next to her.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I have a day at the studio today, so I won't be home until late tonight unless they let us go early," I explained, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer to me.

"Oh ok. I will see if Gee, Nathan, Holly and Max want to come over," she replied, hugging me back.

"Mate, you coming??" Andy asked, walking into mine and Hannah's room, "Oh morning Hannah!!"

"Morning Andy," Hannah replied.

"Ryan we are going in 5," said Andy, walking back out.

"I better go. I will see you later my angel, I love you," I said, kissing Hannah.

"Ok. I love you too Ryan," she replied, kissing me back.

Hannah's POV

Ryan walked out of our room to join the rest of the lad's. A few minutes later I heard the front door close and a car pull away. I picked my phone up from my bedside table and called Nathan.

*Heya Hannah! You alright?

Hey Nath! Yeah I'm good thanks, you?

Yeah I'm good as well! So what did you want then?

What are you, Gee, Holly and Max doing today?

Nothing, why?

Do you all want to come over here? The lad's are at the studio all day today so I'm here on my own

Yeah that would be nice! We will be over in about an hour, see you then!

Ok! Byee Nath!!*

I hung up and decided to get up. I went into the en-suite and saw that there was a post-it note stuck to the mirror, 'knew you would come in here first! Gonna miss you today my angel xxx' . I smiled to myself, took the post-it note off of the mirror and put it on the bed. I walked back into the en-suite and got in the shower. Once I was finished, I dried myself and wrapped my towel around me. I walked into my room and went straight to my wardrobe. I grabbed a pair of my skinny jeans and a top, and put those on. I picked up one of Ryan's hoodies off of the chair by the window. There was another post-it note stuck to his hoodie, 'I'm so happy you said yes last night! I want you to be my Mrs Fletcher already!! xxx' . Again I smiled to myself and put the post-it note on the bed with the other one. I put my hair up in a bun and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. I put the kettle on and got my favourite mug out of the cupboard. Inside my mug was another post-it note, 'have a nice day today my angel, even though I'm not there xxx' . I put the post-it note in my pocket and made a mental note to put it with the others. I made myself a cup of tea and put some bread in the toaster. I walked into the living room and put the TV on. I heard my toast pop up so I went and got that and took it back into the living room.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang. I ran down the stairs and opened the front door to reveal Holly, Max and Gee stood there. Nathan was with them, but he had a post-it note stuck to his head and he had his hands full with flowers.

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