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"Where are you all off to?" Pansy asked spotting Harry and Ron leaving The Great Hall with food in their hands.

"We're having lunch in the courtyard" Harry answered. "Didn't you get the text?"
"No?" She pulled her phone from her skirt pocket. "Oh, I did. Alright I'll see you out there then."

"Where's your gang" a voice asked from behind her as she plated her food.
Rolling her eyes she turned around plastering a fake smile. "Astoria hey. We're eating lunch outside somewhere."
"Oh that's cool."
Pansy pressed her lips together raising her brows. "Yeah well I better be going."
Quickly she made her exit before the other could say anything.

"Finally you're here," Ginny said as Pansy sat on the grass beside her.
"I got held up by Astoria running her mouth. Has she been extra friendly to any of you?"
Everyone shook their heads.
"Well I don't expect her to make nice with you Gryffindors, full offense." Blaise said.
"What do you mean full offense!" Ron started. "We're lovely people!"
"The other day she came to my dorm to chat? She's never talked to us and suddenly she's making house calls to chat shit?"

Ginny's head shot up, a sudden realisation hitting her. "Which one of you is shagging her?"
"Oh gross, Gin, not while I'm eating."
"Speaking of the devil," Ron nodded behind them.
"Hey guys," Astoria smiled. "I just came out here to enjoy the beautiful day and I find you all."
"I literally told you we were out here."
"Well it was such a good idea to have lunch out here i thought i'd join." She continued to smile as she took a seat between Draco and Theo.

"Thanks," Ginny answers rolling her eyes.
Astoria's nose wrinkled. "For what?"
"It was my idea to come out here."
"So that pretty head of yours isn't empty, that's lovely."
There was an exchange of glances.

"No, it's pretty empty in there." Theo teased with a snort.
"Theo you are literally head empty no thoughts!"
"Shut up I have thoughts!"
"Fart noises don't count as thoughts!"
"Piss off!"

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend, Theo?" Astoria suddenly asked.
Everyone's eyes shifted to them.
"Uh, well we had plans to all go together... so--"
"Oh you don't mind of I borrow him just for one weekend, right?"
"Of course not." Harry answered bitting back the same laugh everyone else was.
"Blaise is ditching us for a mystery date, so why not you too?"
"Great," she sprang up. "I'll see you Saturday."

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